Twitter (Part 1)

Itā€™s beyond strange. I think it all stems from that Gamergate controversy and his opinions on that which is just a minefield of arguments. But even if he has these opinions, how are they so important to his every day life that he spends such time and energy on engaging with this shit?

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Bored and relatively wealthy with lots of time on his hands. Its the hill he has chosen to die on. Itā€™s bizzare but Iā€™m sure he feels justified in it in his mind. Some people thrive on notoriety

If only you could find a window into the mind of lad whoā€™d spend his days arguing about absolute nonsenseā€¦ Where would you even begin to look for such characters? :man_shrugging:


Youā€™d have a bit more respect for somebody doing it publicly rather than anonymously, thatā€™s actually beyond belief


Isnā€™t transgender a mental illness and shouldnā€™t it be treated as such?

I know others have already picked you up on this and Iā€™m not sure why Iā€™m bothering but holy shit this is such an amazing post it deserves ridicule. There is zero relationship between FGM and trans people. Itā€™s astounding that you can make that leap in your head and then deem that insight worthy of sharing with the world.


Whats gamergate

Stop, itā€™s the best bit. I came for the sports but stay for the scraps.

Itā€™s a real black hole to read about because it was one of those things that took over the likes of Reddit for ages back about 2015.

Basically gamergate was one of those weird 4chan type ā€œmovementsā€ that was trying to protect the identity of gamers from being changed by modernisation. They argued that games that promoted social concepts were being favoured in the media and traditional games enjoyed by gamers were being knocked. And basically they said there was collusion between feminists and the gaming industry to subvert the image of the traditional gamer.

So a lot of female developers in gaming started getting online abuse on various platforms and there was a bit of a storm about it in the States I think but it was a very niche topic.

But Linehan was a big gamer I think and he took a strong anti-gamergate stance and tweeted about it a lot and then because of the type of person involved in it he got a lot of heat for it on twitter (bots and 4chan weirdos and the likes). And he became something of a feminist hero. He was one of the few famous people who took a real interest in gamergate because of his background so he was seen as a real progressive thinker.

And lots of women looked up to him and championed him. And he championed womenā€™s identities more and the value in womenā€™s contributions to society more and more. And his stance became more and more focused then on the protection of women as an identity (because this was in direct contrast to the protection of the gamer identity) and then he saw trans people as an intrusion on that or whatever because they were blending the genders and not celebrating women as women (in his mind) so he doubled down and got into a strange wing of ā€œfeminismā€ that is about celebrating the division between the genders and doesnā€™t really tolerate trans issues.

And then when he looked back at all the people who supported his stance on Gamergate, he realised most of them were supportive of trans rights too. So he recently changed his mind on Gamergate and has switched sides (despite the whole issue being in the past, being an extremely niche topic that nobody cares about, and despite the absurdity of switching sides completely all this time later).

And he even went on to talk about some chap who was a leader on Gamergate who was on Stormfront and the likes and a big fan of Tommy Robinson. Anyway Graham now thinks he was too quick to judge him based on those facts and he should have judged the man, not his image or something like that.

Sorry that probably makes little sense but thatā€™s basically the arc of his beliefs. Just a weird spiralling debate that he has become entrapped in that has resulted in him changing his mind completely and he seems oblivious to the pointlessness and absurdity of it all.


The internet is a strange strange place.


Thatā€™s why Iā€™ll never agree to the pressure to put TFK online. Weā€™d get all sorts of weirdos if we went on the web.


Oh god yeah, we just have the bog standard weirdos here, easily managed apart from one or two who go rogue. Youā€™d almost miss Ball Ox at times.

Holy shit


Can you tell me what rights trans people donā€™t have in Ireland, today? Nobody seems capable of answering

+1. Thatā€™s crazy stuff.

However, I have a vague recollection of Linehan making bits of forum favourite Miguel Delaney on twitter a few years ago.

Delaney was more tweeting about Father Ted and Linehanā€™s work generally but used good INTERNET etiquette when mentioning Linehan by using his twitter handle. It was something along the lines of he has a fantastic body of comedy work and the weak second series of Father Ted shouldnā€™t detract from that.

@glinner wasnā€™t happy about it at all. The over and back went on for hours, days.

They dont have the right to suspend disbelief, and itā€™s just not fair

This is another one of those letā€™s not worry about those actual real hard to fix problems, far away, weā€™ll just make this shit up and feel good about ourselves

I genuinely have no idea what human rights are being breached in Ireland today against Transexual people

Both are supposed human rights issues, correct?

Yet noone can tell me what rights are infringed for trans people here.

FGM is an ACTUAL human rights abuse

Cc @Thomas_Brady

Be interested in your take mates

It can do terrible things to man/cisman