Twitter (Part 1)

Thatā€™s a highly informative post @rocko, I didnā€™t know about Lenihanā€™s involvement in Gamergate, or that he had changed sides, or that he was cozying up to Tommy Robinson types or any of that.

Gamergate had no leaders and was a broad cultural movement to remove any feminist or progressive influences from computer games and basically keep the industry for conservative men only. It started when a lady called Zoe Quinn released some weird game and then her ex-boyfriend made up a load of shit on 4Chan about how she had cheated on him with a games journalist to get publicity for her game. She was quickly getting death threats. The boyfriend admitted that his story wasnā€™t true but it was all out of control very quickly. At itā€™s peak there were plenty of female coders getting death threats to try and drive them out of the games industry. It went on for a few years I think.

I get that Lenihan says that his wife was threatened by trans-rights people and Iā€™m sure that would have a big effect on him but if heā€™s changed his mind on Gamergate then heā€™s basically gone insane, heā€™s been swallowed by the culture-wars machine. A precautionary tale.

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There seems little point in debating with someone who is introducing entirely irrelevant issues to the debate.

Iā€™m not even sure you realise the contradiction between comparing trans rights in Ireland only versus FGM in the whole world.

Unrelated issues. Arbitrary geographical restrictions on what is a valid comparison.

Hang on, you think it doesnā€™t happen in Ireland?

This is actual human rights abuse in Ireland. Happening now. Says a lot you know more about spoofy trans rights than actual human rights abuse alright. Itā€™s another one of those comfortable easy to make yourself look good causes, because theyā€™ve already got their rights

Tell me, please, what rights donā€™t trans people have in Ireland now?

Sheā€™s talking about a very specific issue in Australia, where she says most Aboriginees in Aussie prison are there for domestic abuse / child protection. That doesnā€™t really apply to the original BLM protests in the US. In the US theyā€™ve got the 3 strike rule which has put lots of black people in prison for life for non-violent crimes.

I very clearly didnā€™t say that. You said FGM ā€œin other parts of the world.ā€ Iā€™m merely conveying your own parameters back to you.

Completely unrelated issues. Even a simpleton can see that surely.



They are unrelated 100% because one is actual human rights abuse and the other is made up.

Were you aware this was happening in Ireland?

What human rights are denied trans people in Ireland? If itā€™s none, feel free to say it.

Which one is actual abuse of human rights?

What rights are denied trans people?

Yes. Very aware thanks.

You are confusing the law with the actual experience of people. FGM is illegal in Ireland. That doesnā€™t mean it canā€™t happen.

There are some limited rights for trans people in Ireland. That doesnā€™t mean there isnā€™t widespread discrimination. Gobshites saying itā€™s made up and things like that. There are serious issues about access to medical care and attention. There are very restrictive rights for younger people.

So thereā€™s an answer to your ridiculous question. And finally an admission from you that you compared two incomparable things for no reason at all.


Hozier said ā€œTrans-rights are human rightsā€. This was a statement of fact. This simple statement of fact has completely destroyed your day.

Iā€™m fairly sure Hozier does not support FGM, Iā€™m fairly sure heā€™s a feminist who has supported a very wide range of feminist-type issues such as abortion, childline etc. The limit on a tweet is 280 characters so I donā€™t know how Hozier could be expected to squeeze a reference to FGM into every single tweet he makes.

And he is not ā€œHozier - World Policeā€ expected to wade into every single internet wrong before he says anything else - like before heā€™s allowed say ā€œTrans-rights are human rightsā€ he has to fix JK Rowlingā€™s problems and FGM while heā€™s at it.


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The rights we voted for and everyone celebrated, whatā€™s changed?
There are serious issues around access to medical care in Ireland for everyone.

Does that mean we all have our human rights infringed upon?

Younger people, like how young @Rocko

Also how is it a human rights infringement to have a different belief system than a trans person? If so, they are equally guilty of it, by trying to take away the sexuality of people. People who menstruate. Really.

As I said. Equality, plus extras

Look @Tank, youā€™re a grand fella but itā€™s impossible talk to you. You half try and be funny and half try and be serious and in a remarkable twist of fate, manage to achieve neither


I didnā€™t read any of your post but the last line garners a like

Thatā€™s a great line which I will probably steal

Are you entirely incapable of debating without introducing other irrelevancies?

There are specific issues about medical rights for trans people and availability of support for those transitioning is very different depending on what the transition is. But I donā€™t expect you to know that.

[quote=ā€œEstebanSexface, post:6726, topic:8363ā€]
Younger people, like how young @Rocko

Also how is it a human rights infringement to have a different belief system than a trans person? If so, they are equally guilty of it, by trying to take away the sexuality of people. People who menstruate. Really.

As I said. Equality, plus extras[/quote]

A different belief system does not equate to discrimination. Also a different belief system doesnā€™t give people the right to discriminate against others.

But itā€™s clear by now that you havent thought any of this true. In fact that was clear from your first absurd post.

So you think itā€™s ok for trans people to discriminate against everyone else? That isnā€™t a human rights infringement, but discriminating against a trans person is.

Would you be so kind as to point me in the direction of material on the medical rights issue.

What age are the young people you mentioned before?

Youā€™d have to agree with herā€¦if these people really wanna do good go into the communities and get involved to make a difference. The only bone of contention Iā€™d like to pick is that the violence being felt in the aboriginal community has to be put in a racist frame and generations of white influence have ripped their society apart and their men have no purpose, no meaning and no futureā€¦ It canā€™t be a coincidence that itā€™s the exact same in native American communities.

I donā€™t think they are exactly comparable thereā€™s still huge tracts of land where aboriginal communities can live relatively free from white influence,not at all like reserves in the states, but you raise a deeper issue about lifeā€™s purpose given capitalism or European society is alien to many communities especially a traditionally hunter gatherer one like aborigines. Is the notion they had no purpose and meaning is through a western spectrum? I think thatā€™s specific to native societies although thereā€™s plenty of first nations thriving in the US and Canada, so too broad a stroke from you there.

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Alright lads. Thatā€™s enough of that

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Itā€™s boomeranging back to where we started.