Twitter (Part 1)

The three strike rule doesn’t just jail blacks though overpolicing does add to their numbers incarcerated. The point she’s making which applies to the BLM movement is two fold. Firstly the virtue signallers and the state are nowhere to be seen when people are trying to break free from the cycles of despair. Secondly the communities themselves have to admit there’s huge issues and that they need help addressing them. There’s insane issues with domestic violence in aboriginal communities. There’s an insane level of absentee father’s in the American black community. 75% of black family’s are single parent. Where’s the guidance and structure for young black men to show them right from wrong, to make them feel protected,for them to emulate. Not at home so they get it often in gangs instead. But when it’s raised,as Obama did, there isn’t much follow on as even being seen to question that scares media and politicians that they might be considered racist, and public perception is far more important than actual solutions for harm as has been seen recently.


My next request is that you stop pretending I’ve said something entirely different from what I actually said.

You can find any amount of articles with a simple use of a search engine. Google is most popular. I really don’t intend to waste my time linking articles you won’t read. If you want to reject my argument please do. But your lack of familiarity with the subject you feel so strongly about is your issue, not mine.

How young are the people you mentioned before. Jesus you’re rude

My whole argument is against over zealous trans activism, like what happened to Rowling. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. If that’s how people carry on in their name is it no wonder they get a bit back.

The sad, sad thing is, it’s more than likely not trans people who react like that, in the vast majority of cases, it’s just the permanently outraged

Under 18 and under 16. They’re young people.

No your whole argument is that there is FGM in the world so trans rights shouldn’t be discussed or campaigned on.

Which is a frankly ridiculous argument lacking even a hint of logic.

Hang on, where have I argued against discussion? Declaring something that’s not a human rights issue as a human rights issue is a problem. The very slogan seems to allude to the fact they think they’re above human or below human. Comparing that to an actual human rights infringement is fair game for my argument. The permanently outraged trans activists do more harm than good for actual trans people. They’ve somehow made an enemy of the feminist movement, by trying to remove womanhood.

Lack of appropriate medical care is a universal issue that needs to be fixed, not just for trans, for everybody. They’re in a queue. It’s fairly niche medical procedure.

Do you think a person under the age of 16 should be legally allowed to change their gender?

They can legally change their sex, get an operation, get married, are protected by the same laws as all of us against discrimination. Have access to the same medical care as every other person. Yet they want more.

Equality plus extras

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I skipped a few hundred posts, why is Esteban having a go at the trans?

I’m not going to debate further with you because I don’t think you’re being open about your views.

You started off with a giant leap to an illogical comparison. You followed up with all but confirming you weren’t familiar with any of the issues faced by trans people in Ireland.

All the while pretending you have no issue with trans rights themselves if only someone could explain to you how they were being infringed. Then you referred to “made up” issues and then described trans people as “trying to remove womanhood.”

So it turns out you have a major issue with trans people which is unsurprising. But seeing as you won’t actually say that and are hiding behind inane comparisons instead, I’ll just leave you to the comfort of wallowing in your own bigotry while you despair at all progress in the world.

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Is it just me or is @Rocko arguing all over every thread all of a sudden?

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Instead of vaguely alluding to these issues would it not be easier to just name them? JK Rowlings clearly outlined the issues she felt were important but no one seems to want to discuss them either. Particulary around young people. Is it not relevant that the vast majority of kids that display gender dysphoria do not transition. They grow out of it. Activists and yourself seemingly feel this is irrelevant. Many dont. Especially as taking hormones can change a young person’s boiolgy irrevocably and theres no going back from the decision. Should it be up to kids to make that decision or do adults need to take some role in it?

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The Covid 19 crisis has hampered his efforts to replace @sidney

That’s it!! @Rocko is @sidney lite

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I have absolutely no problem with trans people rocko.

That’s more or less the second time you’ve called me a bigot without proof.

I have no problem being honest if I’m prejudiced against anybody.

If you don’t agree to sex changes for u16s, you’re a trans bigot is the message it seems.

You said they are “trying to remove womanhood!” I think that sort of undermines your defence a little.

Trans are to me much like a broke dick dog, something to be both pitied & disgusted by. But that’s just me.

Have you seen the responses to Rowling?

And there is an element of trans activists who don’t acknowledge Male or Female. They’re the ones who shout loudest.

Please retract your bigot statement

There is a growing sense that trans activists are pushing to distort reality and now argue that binary biological sex is simplistic and sex is a spectrum and we should dispense with male and female altogether in favour of a subjective gender identity which can be fluid from day to day.

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It’s not my place to debate them. I’m far from an expert. And I think there is nuance to some of these things and not everybody is always completely right or completely wrong. And there are absolutely considerations to be taken into account for young people with guidance and support requirements.

I don’t think any of that is irrelevant and you’re making arguments on my behalf that I have not made.

There are specific medical issues around surgery being available for trans women (breast augmentation) but not for trans men in this country for example.

And nobody can tell me that there aren’t discrimination issues about trans people in Ireland. I wouldn’t imagine worse than most places - but it cannot be an easy step to make in any society.

There are people who get very emotive and angry about this issue though when it doesn’t impact on them in the slightest and that’s very strange behaviour. And then there are people who pretend not to be anti trans who are quite clearly anti trans (cc @EstebanSexface) and that’s odd behaviour too. And then there are people who make wildly illogical arguments about not caring about trans people because of FGM in other parts of the world (cc @EstebanSexface) and that’s very odd behaviour too.

Just to summarise your points:


“Trans rights issues are made up.”
“Trans people are trying to remove womanhood.”
“I’m not bigoted, show me where I was a bigot?”


“You said that trans rights issues are made up and trans people are trying to remove womanhood.”


“Did you see what they said to JK Rowling?”

You’re jumping all over the place here. Stick to one point and follow it through.