Twitter (Part 1)

Lads. I said that’s enough

“Lads” ???

“Lads” ???

Sure that’s just petrol on the fire now


The only one who’s gotten angry is you

I didn’t say anyone got angry. You’re not reading the posts at all. Take your time and read through them.

Youre blatantly lying here.

Where did I say trans right issues are made up?

I’m saying you did. Jesus

So which rights don’t they have in Ireland again? The right for a child to get a sex change is all you could muster. I’m absolutely against that

Ah you’re still rushing. Take your time. Did you mean “I’m not saying” instead of “I’m saying”?

Lapsed poster @Cicero_Dandi had a wonderful post about transgender people a few years back.

It was something like “if I climbed up on a roof and said I can fly and jumped off people wouldn’t rush to pick me up and say we need to get this man wings he is a bird. They’d say this man is mentally ill and he needs help.”

People who want their balls chopped off need help not surgery.

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Ah here:

Esteban: You’re blatantly lying. I didn’t say that
Rocko: [Screenshot of Esteban saying that]
Esteban: Whatabout this other thing over here…?


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No you’re quite clearly angry.

Why else would you call me a bigot, on this issue.

You’re actually doing a great job of proving my point

Which rights?

Step away for a while. You’ve made an absolute mess of your own argument. You can’t keep pretending you didn’t say what you said. You can’t keep trying to change the discussion and expect me to follow you around. You’ve embarrassed yourself. That’s ok. You’ve done that before.

I said what I said and you got so outraged you called me a bigot. They’re equating their issues to human rights abuse.

I stand over what I said.

It’s impossible to discuss anything with someone who is permanently outraged

Well that’s a stunning development because not 10 minutes ago you denied having said it and said I was a liar for suggesting you did.

I admire your flexibility of opinion. It’s great to be so fluid with something so binary. Almost trans like.

Expert or not if you debate these points and stray from the activists line of thought you are accused of being a transphobe. Write an article discussing these issues or concerns and youre a transphobe. Twitter and social media in general have been weaponised to shut down debate and leave people in their own bubbles. Not just on this issue. As someone said here earlier it’s going to do more harm than good in the long term.

If you haven’t read the letter Rowling wrote I’d suggest you do. You won’t agree with all of it. I didn’t. But I didn’t see anything bigoted or outrageous in it. And then go look at the responses on Twitter etc. It’s totally out of proportion and over the top… especially the “choke on my lady dick” types of response of which there is many.

Some lad from Elizabeth Warrens campaign was tweeting basically calling Rowling a cunt. A trans woman responded backing up Rowling and he called her an uncle Tom. That’s where we are at now.


You can find morons on both sides of any debate on Twitter. Selecting one side’s morons as an example of moronic behaviour ignores the fact there are usually the same sort of moron on the other side.

I don’t think I’ve commented on JK Rowling’s comments or the responses at all. I have read what she wrote. I’ve said already I don’t think everything is as clear cut for everyone as people on both sides of the debate would claim it is.

Like I said, it’s strange to see people getting so worked up about something that doesn’t really affect them at all. And some people do it because they are cranks, some are bigots, some want to be offended by everything. You get all sorts. And it is hard to navigate a path that won’t offend a lot of people (some or many of whom, shouldn’t be offended).

All that being said, I do think there is plenty of transphobia. And some of it is very evident on here. At least that’s been exposed now and people won’t be able to hide behind fake concern for FGM again.

Don’t make me use exclamation

What I said isn’t what you think I said.

You’re too busy screaming bigot because you’ve already made your mind up.

That’s the automatic stance of everybody who debates this topic and sees something they don’t agree with.

Trans issues are not human rights infringements in Ireland. There are legitimate issues and need discussion, but they categorically are not human rights abuses. However its impossible to discuss the topic because if you disagree with anything you’re called a transphobe or a bigot. Which you’ve demonstrated perfectly here.

I haven’t said anything transphobic on this thread but you’ve projected a bigotry on me because you don’t like the fact I disagree with their activism and the strength with which the activists react to any debate.

I want equality.
Hang on, this isn’t that great
I know
I want more and you’re a bigot for not giving it to me