Twitter (Part 1)

Oh no

This is true. But itā€™s possible to consider the carry on of Lenihan as bizzare and condemn it. And to also condemn the visceral hatred on display towards Rowling which you seem very reluctant to comment on. Which if Iā€™m not mistaken was what the discussion started out on.

Iā€™m alright Ted

There is a big difference.

The better comparison would be Linehan and Rowling. I didnā€™t condemn Rowling. I would say, at a minimum, I canā€™t for the life of me figure out what good would come from saying what she said.

Saying I should comment on the general backlash against Rowling is not the same as commenting on Glinner. He is a famous individual with a high profile. He makes specific comments which are seen by many people and easily referenced.

The backlash against Rowling is a lot of people. Some being morons, some being not. I think the morons are morons. The others arenā€™t. Iā€™m not going to go and look for specific tweets to reference here so I can publicly condemn them to the large TFK audience of 17 lads in 4 different counties and a lunatic in California.

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Interesting topics here. This is from a website promoting long term lbgt health

Fucking hell that was way more reading than I was expecting when I popped into this thread. I need a nap.

Pretty much any time I see a Tweet now I congratulate myself on never joining it. Twitter will bring about the destruction of (wo) man/other.

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Gas cunts

People who menstruate mate

I wouldnā€™t worry about it mate. If it goes tits-up, you can turn your profile anonymous, disappear for a week, and come back with a minor rebrand.


Hozier is a wanker.

Long string of miserable piss.


What the world needed was another whiny smelly looking ā€˜celebrityā€™ dictating how we should think


some snippets @Rocko

When Michael Bailey wrote a book called ā€œThe Man Who Would Be Queenā€ he was targeted by a group of trans activist who accused him of bigotry, made every attempt to discredit his valid theories, accused him of sexual impropriety, called for him to be fired, and made graphically sexual material involving his children. This is despite his support for LGBT rights and for the medical transition of adults.

James also referred to Dregerā€™s child as a ā€œwomb turd,ā€ targeting harassing statements towards her offspring just as with Micheal Bailey.

In 2007 a rape crises center was sued by a trans woman who wanted to work there. The center insisted their female rape victims have a right to be counseled by biological females. They ultimately won this case, but at a high financial cost.

In fifty years of medicine, I have not witnessed such reluctance to express an opinion among my colleaguesā€¦I conducted a straw poll of pediatricians whom I know. Many advised me to be very careful to appear neutral, and not to quote them.

This is what Iā€™m against @Rocko. You gonna ostrich out of this one too?

retract your bigot statement you fucking coward

The bigot is very angry indeed.

Thought so. No, thatā€™s a very calculated use of the word coward. Iā€™ve remained incredibly polite, given the abuse thatā€™s come my way.

Do you want to address the points above?

I think youā€™re so enraged you canā€™t even see how annoyed you are. Incredibly polite though. You fucking coward! :grinning:

And no thanks. I donā€™t want to address those points which have been made by people who are not me. You should go and argue them with the people who made them: James and Dreger and the unnamed transwoman and the group of activists.

so you refuse to acknowledge trans activism is a problem, which has a profound effect on the health and well being of trans people. Thatā€™s as cowardly as it gets, well almost, calling someone a bigot because you disagree with them, when theyā€™ve clearly not been bigoted on a topic is a little bit more cowardly.

This is the nugget that sealed it for me. You downplayed FGM as a human rights abuse, and accused me of confusing actual experience of people, whatever the fuck that means

Youā€™re so warped in your effort to be woke you actually did that

:rofl: We are an elite group. TFK; elitism at its finest!


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Rocko says heā€™s pro-trans but would he put his willy where his mouth is?

I have absolutely no idea whatā€™s going on here.