Twitter (Part 1)

Debating still matters mate. This is fascinating to watch.

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Eh no. I know you’re finding this hard to get your head around. Those people who wrote or did those things. They are not me. You have an issue with those people. Good man yourself. Now go and write to those people about it if you can’t contain your fury.

You’re a bigot because you have bigoted views. The ones you said you didn’t say. And then said you did say and you stand over them. Those ones.

This makes no sense unfortunately. I don’t think you understand what I said. I didn’t downplay FGM. I made a point, which seems to have been too sophisticated for you to grasp, that just because trans people have legal rights doesn’t mean they can’t be discriminated against. Just the same way that just because FGM Is illegal doesn’t mean it can’t happen.

But nobody has ever suggested FGM should be downplayed on here. I’m guessing you learned about it recently and wanted to use it in an argument somewhere. This probably isn’t the correct one though. This is about something else.

You’re gonna get some that adapt, some that stay steadfast to their beliefs and others that just break … I presume those that are in the grips of the violence are the broken ones, spiritually and emotionally … They’re neither aboriginal nor Australian - their skin colour is a reminder of what they lost and what they’ll never be. They essentially live in a no mans land.

Something about whether there should be an inter county championship this year

You tried

@EstebanSexface has gone stone mad.


It’s worse than the greyhounds

Should I read back over the trans stuff? - what’s the main gist of it?

Essentially a persons sex is meaningless and gender is fluid but race is fixed.

I think.

What will this do for the price of car insurance

@Rocko is fighting on several different fronts at the moment. Hes also trying to launch a panzer attack on @anon7035031 over on the racism thread. In danger of splitting his troops and leaving himself exposed.

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It’s an argument about trans activism.

I made the point that declaring their issues as human rights infringements is ridiculous and used fgm as an actual humans rights infringement as a reference.

I asked you to provide examples and you provided some medical issues and issues for young people that you refused to expand upon. They aren’t human rights infringements.

They are protected by the same laws as all of us against discrimination and even have specific ones

You then started calling me a bigot, not because of anything I said, but because of something you think I mean.

All the while you’ve refused to discuss the dark side of trans activism which is actually the topic under debate.
You’ve demonstrated the point perfectly though. Its impossible to call out the bullshit parts without being called a bigot.

True and nicely written. But some of them are just abusive cunts mate

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This is also true mate.

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@myboyblue , a friend of the wife has recently split up with the husband and is thinking about setting up house in Abbeyleix. I pass through it regularly but dont know the place. Any advice?

Did MLK not say judge by the content of their character not skin colour? Where does white privilege fit into that?

Reparations or truth and reconciliation? What’s the way forward here?

Ride her


Thought they were moving to Abu Dhabi for 5 years?

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If a lad wants to get surgery to be a hyena, should they have rights or are they mentally unwell?

South Park covered the whole trans thing very well 20 years. It’s absurd how mad the world has gone.