Twitter (Part 1)

No, he hasnā€™t had the balls to leave her yet

A grand spot, good people. A nice former Protestant garrison ethos to it, @locke knows the kind.


MLK was talking about black people that had really ever known white manā€™s values and ideas ā€” aboriginals have a culture that was pretty much unchanged for 40, 000 years ā€” itā€™s really only 100-150 years since many of them had their world turned upside down - thatā€™s fuck all against the backdrop of how long they existed without Europeans trying to exterminate themā€¦ the issue of alcohol and drugs is huge too. Thereā€™s no easy solution to any of it - except maybe pull down any statue of Captain Cook.

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Ah why not go again.

Iā€™m afraid you didnā€™t introduce it as a reference. You said:

"Nobody really gives a fuck about feminism in the Western World any more because that cause is all over bar the shouting here. While in other parts of the World women are mutilated, nobody gives a fuck though, theyā€™re too busy shouting for human rights they already have."

You said nobody gives a fuck about FGM because theyā€™re too busy with trans issues. Thatā€™s not a reference. Thatā€™s making a point that people donā€™t give a fuck about FGM because theyā€™re too busy shouting about trans issues.

That was an abundantly stupid point. Beyond stupid.

I didnā€™t refuse to expand upon them. You demanded I provide links to articles. Iā€™ve invited you to read up on them yourself if you want. Iā€™m not citing articles for you. I doubt youā€™d read them properly.

Oh I absolutely called you a bigot because of what you said. I could not have been clearer on this point. You said:

ā€œTrans rights were made upā€
Trans people are ā€œtrying to remove womanhood.ā€

Iā€™ve given you these examples multiple times. Those are bigoted statements. That was not you ā€œcalling outā€ bullshit parts of trans activism. That was you being a bigot.

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I used to puck sliothars against that cook statue in Hyde park Sydney the odd time.

Maroon > Ali


Claiming trans rights are human rights infringements is made up. They arenā€™t human rights infringements. They are issues. They need discussion. Claiming their human rights are being infringed is ridiculous.

Trans activists are trying to remove womanhood. Do you not think this is happening? People who menstruate!!

What are his other options? They must be bleek

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Hes a casualty of blm

Complete this sentence for me.

Trans rights are not human rights, they are _________________

They are rights. Because trans are human too.

That very slogan is absolutely damaging. It alludes to the fact they arenā€™t human.

They are human. They have the same right to everything you and I do. I voted so they could. They choose to live life in a gender they werenā€™t born in to. Thatā€™s their choice. I fully support that choice. I pass no judgement on anything any person wants to do. (I have an issue with an u16 having the ability to transform irrevocably)

My issue is not with people who want to change their gender. Thatā€™s their choice.

My issue is with the people who want to force me to denounce mine and remove my belief system. The extreme trans activists. They do no favours for actual trans rights. That kind of behaviour will actively turn people against trans, even though itā€™s a minority, they shout very, very loudly.

You canā€™t say things like I think we should gather more evidence on the effects of performing life altering surgery on a child, without being called a transphobe or a bigot.

Look, if I was bigoted or transphobe Iā€™d come out and say it. You can either take me at my word or not

Eh youā€™ve missed the point entirely I think. What sort of rights are trans rights if theyā€™re not human rights? And why on earth would it matter to you so much that you insist that theyā€™re not anyway.

:joy::joy::joy: I think Iā€™ll take my chances on not taking your word on that one. You donā€™t get many bigots whoā€™d come out and say it, no matter how much they protest otherwise.

I dont think itā€™s a black and white issue ā€” Iā€™m very happy for anyone to go and identify as whatever they feel or want to be. But Iā€™m not sure that someone born a biological male should be allowed play female sports just because they identify as female ā€” they have a biological advantage that isnt fair. I dont think this diminishes their right to identify as a female - the very essence of separate sports for the sexes is based biology not gender identity. This is one area where womanhood is being challenged.

The toilet/changing room issue is one I cant decide on ā€” The idea of having a pre-op woman share these spaces with young girls kinds unsettles meā€¦Iā€™ve a daughter and I dont think iā€™d be comforatble with her sharing changing room or toilet facilities with a pre-op trans person ā€¦ maybe itā€™s my own prejudices bringing me to that conclusion but thatā€™s how I feel on the issue - the idea of someone with a penis being in a space, potentially alone, with my daughter just isnt right. - I think this is an area where womanhood is potentially under attack.

I also dont like the way we are almost being coerced into using bullshit language by woke lefties to describe people by what they choose to identify as - as you said the other day, forcing someone to adapt issues is a form of fascism - All this non binary / them / they nonsense ā€¦ Iā€™m more than happy to call a person by whatever gender they identify as but the makey uppy nonsense is essentially bullying ā€” itā€™s largely being propagated by virtue signalling cunts who are essentially fascists dressed as sheep.


Human rights are human rights. Are you saying trans arenā€™t human?

I have an issue with that particular slogan because I think it is an attempt to equate trans rights issues with human rights abuses. It isnā€™t a great tagline.

Great post. Each to their own.

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I have no idea how you claim to support trans rights so.

You can shout about activism all you like and put up irrelevant random quotes. But your fundamental issue is that you donā€™t believe in trans rights. And the activism stuff is just a smokescreen to distract from your underlying beliefs (which you managed to leak a couple of times when you got angry).

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I brought up the gender dysphoria / mental illness discussion a few years back and there was a fairly robust discussion on it back then.

Funny you mention South Park. I watched S11E01 (from 2007) tonight, the one where Randy says the ā€˜Nā€™ word on Wheel of Fortune. It was brilliant and ahead of its time.


I believe in trans rights as human beings. I believe they should be protected from discrimination. Like everyone. I believe they should have access to the correct medical care for them. Like everyone. I believe they should have any and all support made available. Like everyone.
I believe they should have the exact same rights as everyone. And I voted for it.

If these arenā€™t being met. Itā€™s not a specific trans issue. They asked for equality they got it. Equality means being treated the same. In all aspects of everything. They are human. They are recognised. Itā€™s all great and powerful stuff. Progressive and I agree with all of it. No matter how much you tell me I donā€™t.

What I donā€™t agree with is the minority who want more than equality. The ones who want me to identify as something I donā€™t want to. The ones who you repeatedly refuse to discuss. Thats my issue. That does not make me a bigot.

Where are you getting the pre-op piece from? Surely the whole crux of the argument is that any individual that identifies as a woman can use womenā€™s toilets. Whether theyā€™re even contemplating surgery or not is irrelevant.

Having said that, I agree with most of your post. Iā€™d be of a ā€œlive and let liveā€ mindset, but the notion that Iā€™ve seen pushed that there is no biological difference between men and women is a head-scratcher for me.

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