Twitter (Part 1)

A fair point, Iā€™m sure there are dickheads supporting every cause.

And the irony is a lot of them arenā€™t trans. Its despicable

When did you vote for it?

The rest of this is just an absurd argument that you keep pretending Iā€™m making.

And some convoluted leap of stupidity in your own mind that you want trans people to have all the rights they want as long as theyā€™re not more than your rights. Which is of course absolute nonsense and just creating a false narrative to argue against in your own bigoted mind.

In 2015. In the 34th amendment referendum.

Replace trans people with trans activists. Some of whom may be trans and who are actively trying to remove binary gender. This is a concept you refuse to acknowledge. They donā€™t want me to refer to myself as a man. That isnā€™t equality.

I can see youā€™ve made your mind up that Iā€™m a bigot. Iā€™m safe in the knowledge that Iā€™m not, on this topic at the very least.

Iā€™m working on a bigotry I have/had with travellers. I have underlying prejudices with them I think, still.

Please read this

You didnā€™t vote on trans rights specifically.

Ah look Iā€™m bored with this now. You want to keep shifting the argument to something other than the indefensible points you made. I get why you want to do that but Iā€™ve no interest in that. Iā€™ve said already that I think there are morons who are pro trans and anti trans. I donā€™t think the morons should affect the rights of trans people. And nor do I think trans people campaigning to end discrimination are preventing the end of FGM.

If you want to get angry with any over the top trans activists go and seek them out. But donā€™t pretend to be a supporter of something you want to spend so much energy opposing.

And you have shown no willingness to listen to my explanations. Which have been pretty reasonable.

Goodnight coward.

By God.

Chomping at the bit?

Do you miss Sid?

Not as much as @Rocko apparently who is doing a great imitation.


The far right fruitcake fraternity donā€™t like it up em

Far right ! Far left . Most lads on here are community men , youā€™ll do well to remember it . Youā€™re awfully concerned about what happens 6000miles away . Iā€™d say you do fuck all to help those in need around you .

Not you again

Iā€™ve read the article Peterson links to (which is about a bunch of lunatics trying to decolonize light), and I am now questioning everything.

For instance, science has established that light is described as an electromagnetic wave and its velocity is approximately 300,000 kilometres per second.

However, according to Salzmann, physics does not exist by itself and must become more involved in the critical discourses emerging in academia.

Jaysus lads ye could have let this thread lie for 48 hours at least.

No mate. Keep turning the screw.

You keep turning a screw, and eventually youā€™ll wring the head off it.

Nancy Pelosiā€™s virtue signalling and pandering has backfired hilariously.

Yes there seems to be a sense of promoting a monoculture and integration. Social equality and cultural diversity should both be achievable. We dont need to homogenise everything. Black people have their own culture and traditions that they would live to safeguard. Some of the best music Rhythm and blues was made by black workers who sang to pass the day. There is a book called ā€œThe burning houseā€ which addresses issues like this and different strands of multiculturalism. What black people dont need or want are some preppy woke white guys hijacking their culture for some narcissistic or other nefarious reasons.