Twitter (Part 1)

Black music is the source of all music more or less, apart from the classical stuff from Europe centuries ago.

So black music is the source of all music, except for the music that its not the source of?




Well done.

We are all decendants of black people if you back far enough. Case closed.

I find her speech a bit OTTā€¦ Whatever about whatā€™s behind democrats doing it, itā€™s still a gesture, good or bad but still a gestureā€¦ If they did nothing theyā€™d be called out tooā€¦

The Facists Racist clique wonā€™t like this

White people are just inbred Africans

So I donā€™t have to apologise for white privilege because Iā€™m actually black? This is very good news indeed.

Itā€™s absolutely demented that adults canā€™t see the connection between 400 years of racial hate and the plight of many black Americans today. From the foundation of America black people were considered sub human and of childlike intelligence. This belief was held by the majority up to the 50/60s and even as black people began to make strides in sports, movies, the professions etc, they had to play the uncle Tom or be regarded as just another of the other animals ā€¦ They fled Jim crow , uneducated and poor for the most part, and lived in the poorer parts of all major cities doing the shit jobs whitey wouldnā€™t doā€¦ While all European emigrants had to do the same, they were able to use their white skin to pull themselves up to respectability.

Yes, thereā€™s much black on black crime but you can separate the historical bsocio-economic plight of black people from most of the issues in the ghettos they reside in today. Their own government flooded them with drugs in the 70s ffs.

With all that said, trans-activism is very militant and as previously said, Iā€™m against having pronouns forced on me.


You need to apologize for Columbus tho you murdering bastard.

I cast a bulb on twitter there for the first time in a few days ā€¦ I look once a week at this stageā€¦ Irish women going on about some online movement to ā€˜amplify womenā€™ - Another few tweets about black trans lives mattering ā€¦ and all kinds of people and things being linked to the slave trade. An awful platform.

It sounds like you follow a whole load of dopes

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This is also true



Stop liking militant feminist tweets.

I admire @Horsebox ā€˜s passion for the cause.

Agreed - Sheā€™s relentless.


Thinks thatā€™s what hawkeye was brought in forā€¦