Twitter (Part 1)

just got a call from @thedancingbaby asking if i fancied a trip to Vegas, he says he heard about an unusual buffet out there he likes the sound of


We are fucked. Chy-na is coming for us


Thank fuck.They’ll whip us into shape in no time.

That’s Shane Smith’s next warm up drill sorted

I’ve bought a huawei already, may get used to it


I’m drawing a complete blank.

I hear spewn is in a bit of trouble for a now deleted tweet about the daily mails Martin Samuel.

Una McGurk would be well placed to send him a letter too. Outlandish analogies to KKK being brandied about now. I’m not sure he is all there to be honest. A complete simpleton.

He can’t be right in the head. No normal person can be permanently outraged like he is.

Himself and Paddy Cosgrave would make appropriate bedfellows.

Woah now, Ewan isn’t all that bad

Ewan retains the support of Miguel and Philip O’Connor

Cosgrave knows he’s a fraud and is trying to milk it, Ewan thinks he’s for real.



The replies, Jesus.

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Exactly. 9/1 for StoryRory

That’s a nasty tweet from Bogue. Another of these journalist cunts who have too high an opinion of themselves.