Twitter (Part 1)

A lot of it made from moody means

This was an excellent post. Ignoring history is not the way to deal with these things

If a black student can’t deal with the N word in the context of that book I fear for how they will deal with it when it’s thrown across some Kilkenny takeaway at 3 o’clock in the morning. Which is something they will inevitably face.


Its all about the context of why the language is used and the background as to why it is unacceptable. Its an awful word but kids need to be educated as to why it is wrong not hide it as a forbidden word. The taboo will make it 'cool to use


Do they should be subjected to minor racial awkwardness in school to prepare then for the real deal when they are older?

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Yes probably

Being young is a daily stream of minor awkwardness. Racial or otherwise. Maybe you think teens should be wrapped in cotton wool to protect them from it! Im sure that will lead to well rounded adults at the end of the day. Cancel PE it’s making fat kids feel awkward. Cancel biology the trans kids feel awkward…cancel maths the slow kids feel awkward … and on and on and on…


Or just cancel racism.

Wait, are we blaming To Kill A Mockingbird for racism in modern society?

Because if we are, I think people are missing the point of the story.


How do you propose to do that? By banning a few books that highlight the issue! Is that the solution or just a token exercise? Bullying is huge issue with kids. Is that solved by banning books that mention it or is teaching a book that deals with it maybe a teachable moment.

I was having a dig at @Tank is all.

Be as racist as you want mate


Self styled Liberals banning/cancelling books that are considered great literary works.

It’s quite insulting.

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They know better though, yknow.

No one suggested banning a book. Your response is ridiculous and entirely out of context.

People who have read books cancelling/banning them as they may corrupt or upset who the liberals deem weaker minded people is straight out of Goebbels 101.

It’s outrageous.


Fuck right off.

We’re through the looking glass here.


That reference may be lost when that book is banned.

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When I used to read fairy tales, I fancied that kind of thing never happened, and now here I am in the middle of one

It is funny though.