Twitter (Part 1)

It would be if it weren’t so tragic.

The wokeists are so brain-dead they don’t realise they are setting a precedent where someone could try do the exact same to them as they are trying now ie shut down or ‘cancel’ opinions that don’t conform with their own narrative. Freedom of speech is one of the most important for this reason.

If they had cogent arguments they’d make them and defend them. Much easier to say just just just shut up!!


Hang on now a second. @Tank has expressed an opinion that people should be subjected to a little bit of racism when they’re young so they’ll be able to deal with full on racism when they’re older and that gets a free pass.

Instead the usual suspects are going on a diatribe against a point made by some gowl on Twitter that noone made here.

fucking idiots here trying to ban literary works about oppression but still harping on about 800 years of oppression on other threads

It’s fucking insane what he has come out with. I’m surprised. It’s the kind of thing you’d expect it from the racist nogra contingent.

I think it’s probably best for young black kids to be exposed to that word in a controlled environment before they’re exposed to it in real life.

Who wants to ban a book? Tag them there. Who’s harping on about 800 years of oppression? What thread?

Seriously, fuck off, you utter wanker.

I want to ban Peig Seirs. No young person should have to go through that ever again

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are you the riddler now??

Also dropping a book from the school list isn’t the same as banning it, but it might arguably lead to banning it one day further down the line, especially if there was a situation where a particular word has been made illegal and the artistic / ethical arguments for including it in a particular work if art have been rejected by the Establishment.

but if we’re removing a book from the syllabus because it might make a 13 year old feel uncomfortable. then surely we should be ditching history altogether. most of irish history would make any 13 year old feel uncomfortable from cromwell, 1798 insurrection being brutally put down (by carkies) to the famine, to the penal laws and then up to the blood sacrifice of 1916

CC @Thomas_Brady

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And DĂșnmharu ar on Dart.

You should read some of the books on the irish syllabus now. Crackers.

The difference is, art, that isn’t happening anymore. Its actual history.

The teenager in question is quite likely still subjected to the N word and having to read it in a book.

Noone is saying to remove the book from the curriculum but you can’t with any clear conscience say it wouldn’t have a negative effect on a young lad who is receiving abuse for his skin colour.

There’ll be time enough for that when they get that far.

That’s exactly what people are saying

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Thats exactly what he said

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I just dont know anymore

That is literally what they are saying. Do you even know what you are arguing about :grin: