Twitter (Part 1)

I’m not so sure it’s so important to broach racism on an English syllabus that it’s ok to offend a racial minority. Do you think that is ok?

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Thats a great answer to a question I didn’t ask.

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you didn’t ask a question

Fire out a list there of these other books.

Aodhán is playing to his base here . I think this is frankly a nonsense . If we are to take Aodhán’s view to a logical conclusion we should have no coverage of police brutality on the news

He didn’t.

So now you just come across as another fucking eejit who is arguing against something he has made up.

ask me nicely

Thats about all you’ve got here. No answers. No solutions. Just cancel everything.

No, that’s not the logical conclusion. That’s a ridiculous conclusion.

My memory of the book is hazy, hence why I forgot the gender of the author (or paid zero attention to it)

I’ve no idea what that is like. I’d never claim to.

i haven’t cancelled anything.

You seem to be of the opinion that people getting offended by something should be cancelled because sure, not all of them are offended by it and I know better.

You’re attempting to cancel the discussion about it.

Is that not what he said in his tweet above?

I’m looking for a solution from you.

Maybe don’t make claims like above then

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Harper Lee was in trouble as soon as she said she was a republican and then she really threw herself in the shit with that new book that says Atticus used to be in the KKK.

Has anyone here read the new book? At the time, like most people, I just pretended that it never happened but I think after this discussion I might go seek it out. Its a fairly serious journey for Atticus, to go from saying that black men get cheated everyday and anyone who does it is trash.

Yes it is ridiculous . You are spot on

I’d stand over that statement. Again, I prefaced it by stating that it’s from my point of view. I can’t ever put myself in the shoes of a black person but that’s what I believe.

Where would you draw the line? There’s a whole heap of books out there that’ll cause offence. Would you get rid of them all?

work it out for yourself. It will do you good.

Ironically one of the issues the NAACP has with the book is the “white saviour” and a lack of perspective.

Elements that are clearly on display in this discussion