Twitter (Part 1)

I personally wouldn’t get rid of any book.

Also, I personally wouldn’t just dismiss the offense felt by people upon reading/having it read to them quite so easily.

Children shouldn’t be distressed in the English Junior Cert syllabus

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Ah right, so you got nothing.

Fair enough, thats all you had to say. Carry on with your whataboutery so. I’ll leave you to it.

if you could do that in future as well thanks, that would be great. You useless cunt

You need to relax, you’re starting to spin off again over the past few days. Go easy.

thanks for your concern. You’re a good lad.

Again, I didn’t dismiss it. I just think the message outweighs it.

So you’d ban no book but no child should be “distressed” in the Junior Cert syllabus. That’s a contradiction

Sit there and listen to this. It’ll do you good kind of thing is it?

Banning a book is different to taking it off a childrens learning syllabus. Are 14/15 year olds mature enough to broach the subject?

So it’s “I don’t like that book, ban it” instead?

No one is saying to ban the book mate. It’s on a childrens learning syllabus. The question is should it be removed from it, as quite evidently it is causing problems for some people

I don’t know. For the last 20odd years they have been

giggling at the use of a word isn’t great is it. Not all kids will obviously but they are kids at an awkward age and the class room demographics have changed in the last 20 years too.

It’s not as simple as is being made out here.

No it’s not.

Did you use words as a 15yr old that you regretted? Did you giggle in class when a swear word was mentioned? That’ll happen regardless. I’d argue a good teacher could use that and the subject matter in the book as a powerful message against racism and explain why the use of the word is no longer acceptable Obviously I say that as a white man. Maybe I’m completely wrong.

I don’t doubt your intentions here but I think what you’re advocating here is another step on a runaway train of censorship and cancel culture that has infested western society. Art can only be of it’s own time. Good art challenges people, makes them uncomfortable.

there’s a time and a place to challenge people. broaching the subject of racism in an English syllabus for kids may not be it is all i’m saying. An English teacher isn’t best placed to deal with it. I certainly wouldn’t like to have to deal with it.

Those kids giggling at the N word are the exact people that we have to educate. We don’t need to educate the black kids about racism, they mostly know it all already. For me TKAMB is a very effective tool for teaching white kids about racism. The experience/opinion of the white posters on here is obviously very relevant to judging that.

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Where do lads stand on playing music in a public space, like a gym, where a song contains the N word.

Up to black member to raise it.
No way.

just dismissing the distress felt by kids at being subjected to the giggling and hiding behind the cancel culture thing or saying “this is actually good for you” isn’t good enough.

what does it teach you? Life is shit if you’re black but Atticus Finch will try and help you?

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The majority of the white people in the book are portrayed as the villains, while Atticus is the “hero”

Othello too with constant racial undertones about a bird going off with Moor/dark skinned North African.

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exactly it’s a story about a white perspective of racism at the time. The black characters are largely victims and secondary. It shines a light on the racial prejudices of the time and it’s certainly a great piece of literature that everyone should read, but having it on the junior cert syllabus when it is causing distress to minorities is a discussion that needs to be had.

Lord help these kids when they get to the history syllabus