Twitter (Part 1)

history isn’t fiction and I don’t think anybody will have to read the ‘N’ word in class.

This is a difficult concept for some people to get their heads around, apparently.

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No. Just about genocide and the likes

You’re making some progress here.

You’ll get there.

do we have some sort of scale as the levels of distress i.e. does hearing the N word rank above hearing about genocides?

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they aren’t getting genocided when they go down to the local shops.
Racism is still an issue, unfortunately and a big one.

Some of those kids that read to kill a mockingbird 20 years ago for the Junior Cert are still racists, shock horror

Maybe you’re wrong? No wait sorry, that never happens.

is it only blacks that are experiencing racism?

jesus fucking christ

thats not an answer

In a discussion about young black children being made feel uncomfortable in English class at school, no it fucking isn’t you stupid fucking moron.

We’re discussing in the context of TKAMB, what exactly is your point?

Haven’t read either in years but from memory The Merchant of Venice would be much more problematic than TKAMB and could actually be described as racist considering Shylock’s character is basically a stereotype

the question was quite clear, ewven a simpleton such as yourself could understand it

Would you ever fuck off fooly you fucking imbecile.

Looks like you’ve punched all the punctuation keys off your keyboard in your righteous, white saviour rage.

What’s your excuse?

what is the context of your question Art?

Art doesn’t have an excuse. He can’t stand being called up ok things and will get angrier and angrier as he realises he’s wrong. His usual modus operandi is to accuse whoever it is has called him up of whatever it is he’s been called up on, usually misogyny or racism. His spelling and grammar will get worse and worse as he digs in and angrily bashes out his responses.

The playboy of the western world caused similar consternation a century ago. You would think we’d have matured as a society and be able to see books and works of literature in their place and in context.

The knee jerk reaction that we must cancel or ban something that causes offence or distress is as dangerous a road to go down as any banning of All Quiet on the Western Front by Nazis or Catholic Church led censorship. It’s the most dangerous form of condescension.

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