Twitter (Part 1)

Iā€™m in bed already.

If @Ambrose_McNulty wants me to go to him that can be arranged

Its a cesspit. Should only be used for getting scores in matches and copying Ewans tweets onto here to wind a few lads up


Youā€™re the angriest man on the Internet.

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I am. Grrr.

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Some amount of wankers on twitter. Actually, everyone on twitter is a wanker.


Everytime someone posts anything from Twitter up here recently , this bint is commenting on it. Are they all part of some weird twitter grouping or is it a bit like TFK and thereā€™s really only 7 users.

Iā€™m actually happy that i have a life you look at some folk on it whoā€™s entire personal valuation of themselves is based on twitter. Its a serious unhealthy addiction. Posting and getting a reaction, going viral them eventually getting cancelled. Paddys spiralling for a while. The crash is coming

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Trump is probably the only person who really knows how to use Twitter. He clearly doesnā€™t give a fuck, he knows how to fling a few scraps to the dogs and heā€™s well able to move on without even looking.
We may never see his likes again.


Honestly idk, I donā€™t want to know about what fucked up stuff goes through these peoppes heads. A lot of them show tendencies towards narcissistism and sociopathic symptoms. Iā€™m in no way qualified to make that statement either but thereā€™s some mental illness on twitter

I have to say even though Iā€™ve kinda been following this Iā€™m very confused as to whatā€™s going on,anyone care to explain

I thinkā€¦but could be wrong.

That bird met/communicated with some lad tweeting, Danny Boy. Heā€™s been tweeting pro Government or pro Government handling of Covid for months. Leo and FG were retweeting his pro government tweets with glee.

She claims he asked her for money and subsequently found out heā€™s been asking a lot of people for money. She says heā€™s gambling issues, he says heā€™s out of work due to Covid and is just a wee bit under pressure.

She claims heā€™s pocketed ā‚¬150k over a couple of these begging bowl years. She also says they connected on tinder, so it seems heā€™s vision impairment issues also. She has gone to the Guards about him. Not sure why.

Sheā€™s pro Roman. Someone emailed Roman and used the name Paddy Cosgrave.

Paddy is on the case now to find out who the perpetrator was.

I think both Danny and Roman are gone to ground. This is probably a good thing.

Danny was like FG PR. Roman tweeted constantly. While 1 or 2 tweets might have been okay, the rest were like Sidneys poems or short stories. In fact he was the twitter version of Sidney, only swap Leo/FG for Trump.

I see that HBV twitter doesnā€™t like Roman but itā€™s late and the Tuborg might have gone to his head and heā€™s probably still celebrating Sleepy Joes won!

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I wouldnā€™t fancy Paddy Cosgrave coming after me on the aul internet. Iā€™d say he knows lads that know computers like Gerry knew lads who repaired tellys cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

For the record. Iā€™d say Paddy is wrecking heads. On the face of it, FFG will say heā€™s bitter/loose cannon, wouldnā€™t worry.

Deep down, they despise him and they are worried. Heā€™s has the money, the platform, and the determination to just keep at them and at them. He will be relentless. GOD is a crackpot. Paddy isnā€™t. The indo and the Times like their audience are getting old or dying, itā€™s only a matter of time.


Paddyā€™s a specky dweeb who couldnā€™t organise some internet at his internet conference. I doubt anyone in politics is concerned about his fearless takedowns.


Itā€™s the relentless alternative posts to the Indo and Times.

SF polled highest in under 35ā€™s. The biggest issue in Ireland today, when Covid is done is housing.

There are four groups buying residential.

Buy to let, Irish Life/IRES etc. There is one particular vulture sweeping up one off houses, 3 / 4 bed semis everywhere to rent. They wonā€™t pay a premium like the others. Irish Life bought 260 odd apartments off Park Developments. A pension fund that try get young people to pay into, buying up the very places they are trying to save a deposit to buy???

Not for profit groups to rent ! - Cluid Housing etc

The county councils to rent !

Finally, The young couple! Trying to save paying stupid rents while Leo tells them to get the deposit off their parents???

There is a shit show coming down the line. Young people are pissed off and will get more angry and while Paddy might not be able to take anyone down he will be an alternative young voice that they will relate to.


Paddy the man of the people :joy:

As long as you have a degree from Trinity :smiley:

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Paddy is the new Irish Times.


OK Paddy

Iā€™m young and in good spirits