Twitter (Part 1)

Ah yes vintage GSH
Cleaning House


If Brian Tinnion is wrong, I dont wanna be right.

I boxed yer ma in the belly once. Thats why you have a slanty face.

From MBB on 24th June 2009 on this very topic.
“I dont get it to be honest. Who needs to know everything about what people are up to at any given second of the day?”

Yours in explanations,

:clap: :clap:

I thought tweeting was only for Greens. It was an environmentally sustainable way of making a dick of yourself in public

GSH is indeed putting all comers on their holes and you make some fair points, guard. The conversations and banter are generally shit and embarrassing - see Ferdinand and Savage as discussed last night - but I reckon there’s some good information to be gleaned from it. As mentioned, I tend only to use it for football and the stats and tactics stuff from ZM, TicTacTics, Opta interests me and the better journalists have some decent scoops and views.

I dont follow Savage so that cuts out the shit from Rio to him. I find it a good way of finding interesting news articles I may not originally see, it saves going through newspapers sites to find the ones I want to read, instead just getting it directly from them. Then there is like bandage said, opta and the excellent zonal marking, and now the blizzard. There’s also the transfer gossip and general inside info to be gleaned into the goings on of sport. I find it invaluable for keeping in touch also with US sport and its writings. I’ll quite happily use it regardless of the perceptions of insecure Clare nipple sufferers.

Someone asked earlier about inane retweet that goes on. You can just click on a users profile to ignore retweets from that person, that should cut down on a lot of them at least. I fucking hate the ‘can I get a RT for my yaday fucking yada retarded whatever etc’. Those cunts really stir my porridge.

It was invaluable during the General Election for anyone who had an interest in the latest counts, tallys etc…

Apart from that, its seems to be full of gimps who seem to to think their view on things has to aired.

Brian Lucey comes across as a real arrogant fcuk head.

And if you want to see your temp rise above boiling point, just do a search on ‘TubridyTweets’… FOAD.

Colm Tobins tweets can be quite entertaining I find.

Rather than respond indivually, I would just say to read my earlier post which was accurate and gave precise details on anyone who uses Twitter.

Ye can dress it up as being usefull but ye still all follow lads to see what they are up to. It’s pathetic.

It’s like ye are sucking off a bloke and then trying to explain it away in that he has some interesting things to say and has some interesting view points and it’s handy to know the guy and you and your ilk can talk about it the next day and tell each other that it’s really no big deal.
It doesn’t change what it actaully makes you in the eyes of all non cock sucking blokes.

To al those who have “follows” they see you as a number, a sad individual to be fed crumbs of bullshit and ye are gorging on it.
Ye are the laughing stock of the famous.

Yours in pointing it out for you,

Haters gotta hate.

What? The people I follow only see me as a number. Fuck it. I thought we were best friends.

Is this the same kind of low self esteem that drives people to internet forums to declare themselves “internet legends” as no one in the real world will listen to them?

I use twitter mainly for football and current affairs news, I don’t expect GSH to get it.

Poor thing. They do see you as a friend. You’re an important person in their lives.
You matter to them. They need you.

Yours etc,

No, thats actually just being factually correct. I am an internet legend.
You use twitter to check out the football results and then see what Elton John is doing today becuase your life is so boring that you need to have someone elses life to be important to you.

Twitter is for social eunachs.

Yours in being an internet legend and you know it,

MBB follows the Cavan U/21 goalie on Twitter :lol:

Ya cunt ya, you know he’s on the GAA list :smiley:

MBB, please post up a link to the GAA list.

Unable to access it presently Bandage but I’ll do it later on mate. I see theres a new GAA player on it, his Twitter id is Killeavy13 iirc.

Runt I heard a rumor from you follow Louie Spence on twitter?

I had to google him and all I can say is:
