Twitter (Part 1)

Mad shit. Imagine someone contacting your work place over a Twitter post and you have mouths at home to feed.

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Itā€™s even worse. She tweets them, then a while later says sheā€™s not sure if she actually works there. School is in Wexford for what itā€™s worth.

The INTERNET is serious business.

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Sure didnā€™t a poster here threaten to contact another posters employer as part of an argument of some sort

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Joe Brolly just retweeted a former poster here into my timeline

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I have forgiven @Bandage for his past behaviour in this regard.

I wasnā€™t aware of this. I donā€™t bother with all the petty squabbles to be honest. Life is too short.

Her daughter almost got murdered by bullies mate. Woke up.

Thereā€™s always a feel good story to be found.

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What do you mean mate

A poster here had to leave a well paid job over being a smart alec/hard chaw on Twitter sure.

Iā€™m sure youā€™ve learned your lesson

Ah Iā€™m just having a rise. Tbh I donā€™t condone that kind of fuckology. It was a disgraceful thing to do.

Ah grand. Disappointing that no grown up stood up there and called a halt to such gobshitery.

I see joe thanking him alright. He looks to be doin well for himself anyways.

Delighted for him. One of the good ones.


Who is this, Joe Brolly has me blocked on twitter?

Heā€™ll never get a cleaning job as soft again