TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

That line is getting less sensical as time goes on.

Why the fuck would we want to grow stabbing as an entity? Why do we want more of it?


Small bit overdramatic there pal

there was a war on mate

they had to accommodate people, towns with lots of hotels were bound to take more

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The limerick lads are fierce proud of their stabbing heritage

Killarney was gone to shit long before refugees arrived. Itā€™s full of scrotes.


Multiple wars by the sounds of things. Fully aware of the Ukrainian situation, mate. Are the African boys not a bit windy to be trying to kill folk here when they could be doing it home? Theyā€™ve traveled through a lot of ā€œsafeā€ places with less space restrictions than here to arrive here. I wonder are some of them gaming the system perchance.

Just the words used by some retailers and someone in the services industry there, buddy. These people are outside the warm glow of the huge sums being received from govt to accommodate these people.

The hungry Kerry cunts that own the hotels would rather make an extra few bob from the govt to put up these ā€œrefugeesā€.

Donā€™t believe everything you hear chief

Ah the ā€˜head in the sandā€™ take. Be happy to be wrong on this.

Go down a night the wolfe tones play. Some scenes

Why you on aboutā€¦killarney has survived bad seasons before many many times

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Sure woderick wanted to shift out the poor war stricken women so he could bring in more ā€œrefugeesā€

54. If Iā€™d read down a few posts Iā€™d have nailed the London winners and got 56šŸ˜…

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Who told you that? The Nationalist Party?


True, but still purposefully misleading I suspect. Men just need to do better. Donā€™t forget that Irish mothers were being held responsible in some quarters for Aisling Murphyā€™s murder.

@Batigol laying down the rulesā€¦


Delighted for the cunt

People who film themselves interacting with Gardai/police/bouncers are inevitably cunts.