TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

what did you say that irked him?

Says the he/she/it/them that never answers a query anyway


I didn’t do a thing it was the other way around. He was posting outlandish and inane sh1t on every thread for 18 months. We would ban him and he would be back again a couple of weeks later under a new alias and the same auld shit. The place would probably have ceased to exist if he kept it up for another six months - maybe that was his end goal.

One day when I was checking the logs I noticed that one of the hardline pro Davy Fitz cheerleaders was posting from the same IP as this knucklehead. A bit more digging and found they were the same man.

I simply posted that he was the one talking out of both sides of his mouth sec he told me to prove it. Yo which I said all the posts were coming from the same IP address in the UK - which would obviously narrow down the list of potential sixmilebridge men it could be.




Top top internetting.



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Is davy not bringing him to court?

The truth hurt for Derrick: all 3 truths actually

I wasn’t aware his cuntishness extended beyond GAA.

They don’t like love rivals.

Did he make up a fella and pretend to kill him to try and get him out of the lawsuits?

Ah lads that’s unreal

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He hasn’t figured out how to get himself on yet.

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:rofl: :rofl: that’s gas.

I actually watched Bill.Mahers show last night. Thought it was decent.

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I thought that thing was just an advertising space. Some venue to be fair.

Have any of the reviews mentioned the prices? To see a 60 year old U2. You’d want your head examined.

The singing accountants


Old man Bono totting up the receipts at the end of the night.

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Know a few lads heading to this - it’s an excuse to the wives while they drink and hoor around Vegas

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