TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

We could have shut the border to all but necessary travel, certainly all the main routes. I know there are obvious political implications to that, but this is the most serious pandemic in a century, and we’ve all had 2km or 5km borders around us for basically a year as it is. Shutting the border doesn’t seem so extreme when you consider it like that.

The DUP’s outright rejection of an all island strategy was over loyalty to the Union. But all they were being loyal to was Covid. Similarly, deeply held emotional beliefs about there being no border on this island in practice meant not being loyal to fellow Irish people, but being loyal to Covid.

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Fiar play :clap::clap:

Very sorry to hear about your old man. Hopefully some comfort in how you supported him which was truly admirable

Welcome back


I expect it will be a short lived comeback, so get your digs in early.

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Iv no beef with you man nor ever did… That I can recall

Oh it’s Sid. I won’t start so.


Sorry for your loss @Cheasty and fair play for your apology.

But could you lads take your novels out of a thread designed to tell a story in 160 characters or less?


Can we have the @Sid_Waddell from the mid naughties back please,he was a great poster.

Welcome back @Cheasty . Sorry for your loss.


Not particularly brilliant but feel this thread needs a steer back to its staple of fanny, woke redicule, gore and humour.

Syd, sorry for your loss and having the added weight of covid compounding the grief.


Some people would have loved the penal laws. Ratting out their neighbours for going to the mass rock, ag caint as gaeilge or any rebellion anti brit talk

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Yerrah weren’t they doing it for years in the GAA with the ban

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Unfortunately the rules of snitches get stitches doesn’t apply in real life

Like all Marxists she’s in it to enrich herself at the expense of all the ordinary folk.

If only there was some evidence throughout history Communism or Socialism didn’t work?

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My condolences @Cheasty

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Sorry, only saw the edit now

Look, we were both in emotionally charged situations and I said some horrific things myself, and for that I apologise to you as well

It takes balls to apologise on TFK so fair play to you and I wish you well into the future


I can’t understand it at all. Some clubs have completely barred even one person on their own going into train, while others have their pitches and walking tracks open for everyone to access. Seems bizarre that I can’t train in my own GAA club grounds but I could train away in a neighbouring clubs grounds.


Condolences @Cheasty

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Hope you’re doing ok @Cheasty and you could grieve the loss


Sorry for you loss @Cheasty

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