TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

My condolences @Cheasty

Its mental I see it myself when running on the walking track yet I had someone complain to the community group that I was doing a sprint session on the pitch

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There has been murder in my club. Busy committee cunts who never did fuck all on a pitch demonizing young lads for having a few kicks or pucks on their own. There is a ball wall that was being used by young lads to keep their eye in and these fucking Poindexters are after putting up razor wire to keep them out. I’m 30 years trying to encourage young lads to practice on their own and these fuckwits are putting up razor wire to stop them. When its all over these malignant cunts should get the same treatment as Nazi collaborators.


They’ll be complaining then when the club don’t win titles that the young lads aren’t dedicated enough.


Remember that for the next AGM. Are we a GAA club or the gestapo

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It’s something I’ve noticed particularly in the bigger Dublin clubs …a real meeting of lifers who’ve been in involved and mucking in together for over 20 years and then these newbies who don’t really understand what’s going on but want to virtue signal at every turn…


If Eugene McGee were still with us, Larry McGann would be getting his annual run-out at this stage.

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Thats definitely part of it though there is at least one cunt at the centre of it who should know better. New blood is generally a positive for a club and should be welcomed but it can lead to culture clashes as well


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Ffs sake

Just saw that this twitter account exists. It’s yer man who’s wife killed the 3 kids in Newcastle Co Dublin. :cry:

Has yer one gone to trial yet?


The drama around Feile every year brings this shit to the fore. We have one lad gone ape on GDPR.

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Anthony must be related to the forelock tugging fishmonger down in the English market in Cork.


Fuck that’s not easy to even look at.

How does he go on? Hellish.

Anthony is a northsider who’s dad was an undertaker

How transparent is that absolute gobshite. He had fuck all to do with the business end of what nurses and ward people had to ACTUALLY do over the last 12 months and this cunt STILL hanging around like he owes us a favour.


TFK is a place where we post random tweets of people we don’t like and wait for the pile on?
No self awareness about what most of us use this site for

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I know that cunt​:see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

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Sorry for your loss @Cheasty

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