TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Bizarre outburst

How did he have fuck all to do with it? Relative to who?

Time to give the young lads a bit of extra work in the evenings ahead of return to play. Setting alight a few paper bags of shite on the doorsteps would be great team building.

Sheā€™s up to her elbows in blood. Fuck her.

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How has he had fuck all to do with it, is he not a doctor?

Thereā€™s a few lads here who have put their lives on hold for 15 months now, posting and whining for up to16 hours a day on the internet, this Oā€™Connor fella on easy street hasnā€™t a fuckin clue, sure heā€™s had time to do a bit of tweeting and all :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Cork lads circling the wagons again.


He is a consultant. Even more responsibility than a doctor

Good of you to pop in, perhaps youā€™ll explain how this fella has had ā€˜nothing to do with the business end of Covid for nurses and ward peopleā€™

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Heā€™s too busy on the front line of pulling a few tables together on the vaccination roll out. 24/7 gig these days

Lads could ye perhaps stop triggering the Cork boys?


Heā€™s a pompous, opinionated prick.

Shock horror that people donā€™t like him.

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Heā€™s quick on the draw to harvest the cheapest likes on the internet from the usual suspects with the wagon circling comment :sweat_smile:

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What lads donā€™t understand is, that Irish Twitter is a nawful place. This Anto chappie is amongst them.


I donā€™t know him, even if he is it doesnā€™t answer my question, so perhaps you or somebody else can deal with that

Playing to the gallery

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So why are you sticking your oar in if you donā€™t know him?

Because heā€™s from Cork?

Gas that a lot of the anti gov socialists here despise Anthony. A man steeped in those politics himself

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Anto is about to run for chair of the Labour Party so heā€™s not exactly a wholly unbiased observer.

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Correct. Thatā€™s two fronts where he is putting upā€¦