TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Would he have a shot?

Absolutely not,
But you havenā€™t answered my question, nobody else either.
Why is this chap being vilified for knowing nothing of the Covid coal face

And more pertinently, why do we need to discuss his tweet re the Queen, there was probably millions made in a similar vein.

Is it because he is from Cork? Although a Limerick councillor receives similar attention, weā€™re an awful pack of oul women


This Anto chap appears a nawful stones

Heā€™s a pompous, opinionated prick who regularly tweets about being at the gates of hell.

Would someone at the gates of hell be able to find time to tweet?

Not answering my question to be honest.
Maybe try to address that

Everybody has time to type a few characters onto their phone, nobody is that busy

A guy who consistently tweets about being at the gates of hell or statements along those lines really shouldnā€™t have as much time to be on the radio, TV or Twitter as he finds.

The reason people canā€™t stand him is that heā€™s a self-absorbed, pompous, opinionated wanker who has spent the guts of a year preaching to people. Youā€™ve been given your answer, youā€™ve refused to acknowledge the guy is a tosspot because he happens to be from Cork.

No thatā€™s not my question,
Itā€™s not a popularity contest, you can hate him if you like.
Why are you going out to bat against my query, itā€™s a very simple one, why do you believe he knows nothing of the Covid coal face if such a thing exists?
Less of the whataboutery please, I know better than to allow you to change the topic and engage with you on that.
And why is his tweet n the queen worthy of repeating here?

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Peopleā€™s issue with him is heā€™s a wanker.

You seem to be going to great lengths to defend your fellow Cork man.

OK, you havenā€™t got an answer.
Iā€™ll move on with my day, that was an awful waste of time, very typical of any engagement with you.
The question is open.


Youā€™d have to admire the cork mans loyalty to his kin.

Apart from when theyā€™re shooting their best rebel.

Iā€™ve given you your answer, you just chose to ignore it, multiple times.

He canā€™t answer it


This would a great send-off for @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy when the time comes.


Heā€™ll be placed in the coffin with the top half dressed in a ā€œnautical chicā€ style and a pair of cycling shorts down below.

Think they went through a red light there.

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Irish Twitter is a nawful place. You hate to see it

Condolences on your loss @Cheasty .


I happened upon a tweet of this lads the other day mourning the loss of his brother in lyrical tones. Half-wits responding with the standard Aww and hugs and kisses guff which Iā€™m assuming was the reason for the ochĆ³n agus ochĆ³n shite.
Now heā€™s changed tack and has reverted to industrial language. Tony strikes me as being a needy cunt.

Was it the brother? From the cut of it I thought it was his wife. Anyhoo. Itā€™s weird to get this excited over an EPL side.

His brother, David iirc. Nauseous guff.