TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

He’s a gastro consultant. He’s had very little to do the past 15 months. The way he carries himself it’s like he’s running the HSE/NPHET/DSepartment of Health himself. This does not sit well with his colleagues. I’ll leave it at that.


He probably had a few quid on them after the good performance on Thursday

The lad who made Ryan’s Daughter?

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No, that would have been David Lean. But you knew that you crafty fox.

The arsenal tweet is a bit much for a middle aged man but the other one was I think the first anniversary of his only brother who died at the age of 40 leaving a young family. A little bit harsh on your part in fairness boxty!

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Sorry for your loss @Cheasty I know you looked after your father for a long time and no more better care could have been given from you.

Although you will always be a BDO submissive I will never throw any personal insults towards you in any future engagements.


No need to refrain from that.


Sorry for your loss.

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Yeah, fcuk that.

A year? Feels like you’ve been around longer than that mate.


Not need to get petty as you don’t like being held to account.

I see you noticed it as well.

It seems to be his modus operandi to move the goal posts when asked a question, he’ll refuse to answer but repeat something irrelevant over and over again for a while, then he’ll call you childish names claim that he already answered the question.

There’s a clear pattern of it emerging.


He reminds me a lot of a poster who used to be here but ran off the site cicero dandy or something

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The two Carkies gave that a like.

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you’re very impartial about things. you’d never circle the wagons.


Sorry for your loss @Cheasty

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I try my best to take an objective view at all times. It’s a very important part of my all conquering debating technique.


The worst thing about this pandemic has been cunts like that bitch talking sense.


Journalist are front line workers, or get cushy civil service jobs that make them front line workers

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