TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Are you familiar with how the Twitter algorithm works?
You have repeatedly stated you’re not on twitter, yet you want to dictate what people who are on twitter can discuss. If you have no interest in the concept, it shouldn’t bother you this much whether it gets discussed or not


I agree, he’s a sanctimonious fanny


He doesn’t seem too understand that when somebody you follow engages with one of Scooby Doo’s tweets then it appears on your timeline. She’s on my timeline constantly so I really should review my following list and do a purge.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy asked a question and I answered it for him.

Simple enough really.

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They’re not discussing it on twitter. This is TFK. They’re consistently posting links to to some nobody’s tweets on TFK. I think that’s weird and I’ve pointed that out, it’s my observation on the ongoing discussion.

Are you familiar with how a discussion board works?

So it’s @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy that’s obsessed with her? He’s had a lot of weird tics up til now but this is surely up there the weirdest.

[quote=“glasagusban, post:85, topic:33710, full:true”]
They’re not discussing it on twitter. This is TFK. [/quote]
Oh you spotted that.

Generally, people here discuss stuff that comes up and move on. Irish twitter is a bit of a boghole as regards that. I don’t see too many that outright try to stop a discussion that they claim to have no interest in, but you seem to willing to do so.

Tfk is my social media algorithm .


I’ve never seen a discussion on the merits of the RNLI outside of TFK.


You seem upset by this. She’s everywhere on Twitter. Think this is nasty from you trying to personalize things rather than discussing the matter.

Apart from, weirdly, this one insignificant person on twitter. Who you think is worth discussing repeatedly on here apparently, for some reason known only to yourself.

Is glas Scooby?

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I’d say Finkle/Eindhorn but it could be cutting close to the bone


Glas marginalising women there


Are we ignoring her racist past now?

Once again, do you know how the Twitter algorithm works?

I don’t know if I’ve ever posted a link to her tweets, but I definitely haven’t shouted down someone trying to discuss her

You’re weirdly fixated on this “insignificant” person


The woke crew say it’s inconvenient and irrelevant to bring it up. Then they double down on the racism

Her and Ciara Kelly is probably the biggest domestic story in the small world of Irish Twitter this week (outside the vaccine debacle). I’m surprised that other people are surprised that it’s somehow not worth anybody’s attention.