TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Welcome to the Instagram generation.

You’d wonder will lads like that who are so big and eat so much alongside their cardio training balloon in terms of fat when they stop playing

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In fairness they usually get smart after a while and taper.

The 21st century equivalent of the county minor who lost themselves to the drink.

Although from what you hear these days powder seems to be a bigger thing for these guys than pints

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He could be 17

He did a bit of work in lockdown. Shur good luck to him, he could have been at far worse

Yeah at the moment they are probably counting their calories and protein and all that but I’m thinking more longer term

Fair play to her. Bad form from some journos who can’t bring themselves to apologise.

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If you want the young one with the square eyebrows to be sending you nudes you need to be pumping serious iron. The lad drinking cans doesn’t stand a chance.



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You probably have a cracked onlyfans account

Good piece

I think the the point missed is she’s a minor with the Derry ladies team.


New Lord Mayor will be elected tomorrow

Wonder will Hazel wait until she is no longer Lord Mayor to retract her tweet

I wonder is there a hidden ‘unknownst to ourselves’ racism endemic in Ireland, Hazel Chu seems to receive much more than her fair share of abuse, I’d doubt she’s the only one who tweeted about the Carlow story, why is all the comment focussed on her? I’ve noticed that Denise Chaila is a strong love or hate her figure even in Limerick which generally supports it’s own,


I’d say the opposite actually, any criticism of a non-white person no matter what it is, ends up being accused of racism by knights like you. She jumped on a bandwagon here, knowing fuck all about the situation but trying to score political points and she’s in the public eye along with courting attention. She deserves criticism, but ugh no, racist.


What’s an endemic lads?

You’ve the arsonist ethnic minority group all to yourself

Despite having an American accent what has Denise Chaila done to rile up the Limk folk ?

Seems a lovely person