TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Giles Coren is a restaurant critic, columnist and radio presenter for the Murdoch Times, and the privately educated son of the well known late English media figure Alan Coren.

Dawn Foster is a left-wing writer who died suddenly last week at the age of 33 from complications arising from epilepsy and a very nasty condition called Schwannomatosis.

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A cesspit. Itā€™s responsible for a lot of ills. The world would be better off without it.

Thatā€™s a very simplistic take.

Anyway, I suppose the point here is: letā€™s see if the privileged Giles Coren suffers any professional consequences at all.

I doubt it somehow.

simplistic, and yet, correct

as for giles, would he have gotten his career and repeatedly nicked jag EV without daddys name opening doors for him?

also, giles is a cunt

Read Giles Corenā€™s letter to Times subs | Media | The Guardian

Barry has deleted the original tweet it seems. Probably posted it when he was steamed.

Anyone have a link for Raybans?

Iā€™ve been a bit of a prick about this girl. In hindsight, it should of been obvious she had body issues (and a bout of cancer thrown in) in the past. Good luck to her. Sheā€™s doing very well alright for herself. The setting of boys v girls is wrong though, itā€™s playground stuff. The world doesnā€™t really need it, right at this moment. Sheā€™s loads of followers and impressionable people in the demographic that would go on every word.


Sounds like the standard of ladies football isnā€™t too great.

Fair play to them for doing that child a favour.

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Scumbag 16 year old meets scumbag bouncer, only one winner there


Once heā€™s not dead or maimed, its a life lesson for him.

Nice camera work zooming in on the arse of yer wan in the blue

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Security there were always slightly ā€œover enthusiasticā€.

Youā€™d learn quick enough

Young lads finding out thereā€™s repercussions for acting the maggot, pity the courts donā€™t take the same view


Maria Bailey and Noel Rock in a late night Twitter spat, with Ming Flanagan and Rock then going at it through the night. People are fairly nuts.

Headshot :rofl:


Can someone tell Maria the difference between their, there and theyā€™re?


I havenā€™t seen Noel Rock this explosive on Twitter since that time he went after Shane Lowry.