TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

You’d want to be a brave man to go after Lowry as many have learned to their cost

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Of course she can, she went to the school of hey you behind the bush’s school of spelling and grammer

Noel was dining earlier in FXBs with a slap up steak meal. I’d say he got stuck into the Malbec and washed it further down with a haype of stout.


On the topic of dining and Twitter, the twitter mob are getting very upset about Rory Cowan and his dining this week. Rory is fond of the block button on Twitter also.

Top advice here

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I believe his proper title is Tory Cowan.


Who’s Rory Cowan?

A no mark actor who is a zionist and hates poor people.


One for the “celebrities” I’ve never heard of thread.

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Are you insinuating something about him here?

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He’s one of the “actors” on Mrs Brown’s Boys, out and proud, outspoken FGer, pro-gay rights, anti-everyone else’s rights


He’s one of the cunts in When the Whistle Blows.

Was he sacked by that show?

He’s right about public transport but he’s expressed it ineloquently

Public Transport is grand. They just need to stop letting other people on, and stopping wherever they like. That would solve it.

Auld Gav Reilly must be on a wind up. :slight_smile:

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Were the roid fish’s medals not voided?

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He used a right photo all the same.


What did the Cork boyos win Rio, was it silver?

What happened the other brother?

Exploded due to corkness