Typical of the Irish Judicial System

How would a fella go about paying out €175k? Would there just be a stay on your house or something. There is no way I’d pay that cunt a cent but how? Liquidate everything, bury it and tell yer man go fuck?

did the 175K actually come from Mr. McCaughey or was it insurance or something like that?

I don’t think you can insure against shit like that, Len. Can you?

agreed that mccormack should have gotten jail, but disagree with most of the rest.

  1. a judge didnt decide the compo, it was settled before going to court
  2. he’s a gobshite for a) using a car and b) not doing it on his own property therefore knocking out his nally defence
  3. he’s a developer, so he’s probably robbed more than mccormack could ever dream of
  4. he had dundalk council down the in the high court for several days for not zoning land he paid 10 m for in the docks of dundalk as residential,

jesus foley this is just idle gossip that has no relevance to the case
hard to believe sometimes you are training to be a solicitor, based on your comments numbered 2,3 and 4 its more likely you are sidekick to the courts reporter for The Sun

this chap is on newstalk now
DPP made a cunt of this, doesnt foley work for the dpp? would explain his last post
says Assessment Board decided the 175k and was paid by his car insurance
this is the same assessment board set up to avoid having to use a bent solicitor, fucking scandal

he is facing a 6 figure legal bill

Is it any wonder the likes of fooley can afford a nice big house in Dun Laoghaire with this kind of carry on.

Its a flawed law. The cunt was running off with yer mans property, the law should extend to you being able to retrieve your property by any means necessary. Vroom vroom.

you dont have to agree with the injuries board. you can take your chances in court if you think the award is too big. but then again, his insurance might not have indemnified him if it went to court. also point 4 i made wasnt idle gossip, its a fact.

Didn’t OJ Simpson try something like that in Vegas and ended up in jail?

its an irrelevant fact, ill have to assume you are just throwing out any old rubbish about McCaughey you have heard down the canteen in the DPP office to make yourself sound like you are in the know
no other reason for posting that up here

It’s a bit different when you sell something and then decide you want it back :lol:

He claimed they were all stolen Flano - http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,296758,00.html

No gloves among the items though :strokechin:

just pointing out that mccaughey is far from sweetness and light. which in the circumstances is relevant. the information is readily available on courts.ie

Police Squad were on that case quick enough.

what attracted you to the legal profession art? was it the sweetness and light?
its not often you see a legal eagle with the brass neck to take the high moral ground, even at a property developers expense but foley just has
developers had their day in the sun, the legal profession en masse goes on raping and pilaging ordinary folk

Heard the burglars sister and neighbour been interviewed this morning on Newstalk. They spouted the usual shit about how hard he had it growing up and it was his mothers anniversary when he broke into the mans house and how he is a lovely lad and wouldn’t do anything to harm anyone and loves nothing better than playing football with his nephews and nieces. Real salt of the earth stuff. Fucking sickening listening to them making a victim out of the burglar.


How is that relevant?

i see in todays paper that the payment came from the insurance company. presume it was the car insurance.

I thought there was some law where you couldn’t profit in court if you were injured in the course of a crime or what not. Can you clarify art?

Can I put the razor wire back up safe in the knowledge I can’t be sued by a thief cut to shreds trying to gain access to my demesne?