UEFA CL 2020 gameday 6

Because the second he used race every cunt on the planet would pounce on it to exploit it for a tonne of reasons. It wasnā€™t a great choice of words because we live in a world where you canā€™t speak truthfully .


You are the dictionary definition of a virtue signaller.

One of the reasons being its unnecessary and outdated

You canā€™t expect things to change by repeating the same old behaviours.

The important piece here is Demba Ba took big offence to the tone or context.

That should be enough

Heā€™ll be destroyed now because of this by people who want to maintain the status quo

Fucking thick fucking Romanian racist cunts.


Some shite here by the edgy lads. Soccerball players pause at the start of every game to recognise and respect the BLM and Anti Racism movement. A match official at a game like this singling a player out and identifying him by his skin colour is one of the most stupid things Iā€™ve ever seen someone do in public.

It doesnā€™t matter if the actual words are racist or not, but I donā€™t expect the edgy lads to understand that.


I donā€™t think calling a black person black will ever be outdated but Iā€™m a bit odd like that.


Would you refer to a chinese person as the fella with the narrow eyes?

Demba Ba found the tone or context offensive and youā€™re trying to deny him his offense because why?

And the fake flu

Iā€™d have no reason to, id just say the yellow fella.

So you donā€™t think Demba Ba should get offended?

Of course not, he must wait for whitey to tell him when to be offended.


Just on this point, I donā€™t know the tone or how it was said. It could well have came across as a racist remark (and it certainly pissed Demba Ba off). I donā€™t think him, nor his teammates would have reacted if it was an innocuous remark.

Iā€™m just making the general point that describing someone as ā€œblackā€ (which is what the original tweet said) is not, in my opinion, racist.

Ok mate, youā€™ve said this about 14 times.

Youā€™re implying that I am a racist and Iā€™ve a real problem with that

As for your editā€¦ Demba is entitled to get upset by it, Iā€™m not denying him that. None of us were there ā€¦ But the linesman is also owed some benefit of doubt is he not? Or is he completely written off as guilty now?

If I think something is racist Iā€™ll call it out and donā€™t need to hide behind virtue signalling like some lads here. I got a grand headtbutt one night for standing up to three guys in Limerick doling out racist abuse they claimed was just banter towards staff in a chipperā€¦Iā€™m not looking for a medal, tho it would be nice. But I call it as I see it.

He used your manā€™s race to identify himā€¦ I donā€™t see a lot wrong with it. It happens in every country on the planet.


That wasnā€™t my intention. Poor humour. Inverse edginess. Iā€™ll delete that


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Solution to this is to put numbers on the backs of different colour jerseys.

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Sure youā€™ve no problem with @myboyblue racist posts towards travellers posted on here on a weekly basis so you canā€™t say much.

The allies will be triggered to the core by a real world example of action like that.

Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a good long list of reports from yourself to highlight that?