UEFA CL 2020 gameday 6

Stop the lights

He isn’t a racist in a million fucking years. The world is gone mad. Society is dictated by a load of screaming Mary’s.

Was Brian Stanley officiating.

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Calm down with a cool bottle of Miller there, Primrose

I think that comes down to local language difficulties and how the innocent word for “black” is so similar sounding to the problematic n-word.

I support Demba Ba and if he felt there was an element of racism in it he’s 100% right to walk off and demand for it to be investigated.

Blah blah blah…

Thanks mate

Imagine a team of officials who check team sheets, squad numbers etc but forget the “ Black Guys “ name. A huge coincidence

Ba is a fucker of a surname to remember may I add

Lads in wheelchairs though are fair game.

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Ya can’t be saying that lads.

All the closet racists out on show. Amazing number of Limerick cunts too

Whether or which there’s a Champions League officiating career coming to an end tonight.

A lot of lads fooling themselves here that they wouldn’t say the same thing if they had to identify a black lad out of a crowd… I recently had to send a neighbour down the road to another family without knowing the house number or names of said family… When I said the black family the neighbour I was talking to knew straight away who I was on about… I used their race to identify them. Am I racist?

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No. But lads will call you one to virtue signal

Fuck off, I’ll take racist instead.

If the fella you were giving directions to was black would you have described them as the black family?


Can you still not pronounce their Surname?

Lads will have you in jail for this.

When a person’s race is nothing more than an aspect of how they look, like tall, ginger or fat, racism will be no more