Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding

There is a serious lack of talent there.

That was some speech by Sir Keir today

The UK public fell in Love with Keir Starmer today

No. One as unit of currency is just an arbitrary number.

That article suggests those funds expected sterling to strengthen.

The IMF have banged the klaxon I see

A conservative party paid up member? :smile:
It’s a black and white decision.

Of course it’s true. Nothing will happen though unless the BBC go after it, which they won’t, because they are cowards.

I think he’s got the article wrong.

He has it arseways and is furious. Will be a good read if an article supporting his belief is published.

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Crispin odey piled in, but he has been anyway. There’s no way Lizzy didn’t tell a few folk. She was so delighted with herself at playing Maggie. Whether there was anything other than vacuousness in it, who knows :person_shrugging:

Nothing untoward suggested here, but hard to know the reality.


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A lot of this craic from toryscum twitter today.
Bloody labour (who haven’t been in power in 12 years).
The english really are simpletons

It’s like trying to pump water out of a flooding house.

They are fucked.

They’ll have to raise interest rates next week.

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90 pence for a euro. Is that the highest the euro has traded?