Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding

Crispys first solo run was funded by Soros

Truss is pounding sterling. She likes a good pounding, especially if kwarteng is in the room.


Does anyone actually reckon truss is perturbed by this. She strikes me as being so certain of her infallibility that she probably isn’t bothered by what the markets think. Not until a few more letters go in anyway.

Whether she’s perturbed or not hardly matters

Matter of interest. She’s a fascinating study. I think she’s absolutely nuts. Like off her rocker personality disorder nuts. I find her mesmeric. Like watching a slow motion car crash.

She will hang Kwasi out to dry with his ‘mini-budget’. The real budget is still to come so ample more opportunity to dig the hole even deeper. Meanwhile Boris waiting in the wings

It looks like they rushed into this mini budget. Don’t understand the rush. Address the energy prices sure but the tax cutting is nuts.

Wouldn’t it make more sense for the Tories for Truss to bring in tax increases and Boris ride to the rescue and reverse it. Cons +10

Like I said, they won’t bring Boris back.
Truss won’t be able to hang kwarteng out to dry. She’s put herself front and centre. She’ll stagger on regardless as I can’t see another heave until at least this time next year.
The IMF, even if they come in, she will just lie and say it was a policy discussion, or they were seeking her advice or something. I think the coloured lass will be the next Tory leader if a heave comes soon. Her or sunak, who is looking more plausible by the second as his (glaringly obvious) predictions come to pass.

Not when Bojo’s whole shtick was levelling up.

They’ll probably go with Penny the next time.

The rush was simply so truss could play Maggie. Truss I suspect is deep down desperately insecure.

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Once she was posing on the tank it was enough.

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Maybe, but the other lady seems to have the prevailing tide at the minute.
A dog with a mallet up his hole would have been better than anyone since John Major.

Not enough for Liz.

Kemi Badenoch? Maybe.,

That’s her, yes.

Not a hope

A certain type of Tory voter mightn’t go for her. Same as Rishi

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If it comes to pass that Boris doesn’t want it(as if) then Ben Wallace will be forced into it.

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