Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding

Questions will be asked

Of Graham Brady?

Sir Graham Brady and the entire committee need to be held to account. To go from an 80 seat majority to trailing by 30 points in every poll that really takes some doing. 2 PMs, soon to be 3, and 4 Chancellors they really need to lay off the gin

Meanwhile Labour are out of power for twelve years since they crashed the economy.

I dont think so. I wouldnā€™t be be that familiar with the inside operational m.o. of the Tories but from what I can gather, Graham Brady and the committee are nothing more than facilitators. They dont have the right to say who can or cannot lead the party. They are a glorified H.R department is all. Guilty by association, maybe at a push but Graham Brady has no questions to answer

Tory boy is seething


They should have gone with Rishi.

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Could happen yet

Looks like they have no choice now but to try and appoint an interim for the next two years without going to the grass roots. Problem is, theres so many different factions within the party that theyā€™ll find it hard to find an acceptable candidate to all groups. You still have lads looking for Boris to come back ffs

50/50, the johnsonites in the party wouldnā€™t accept him.

Elections are won in the centre. They forgot that.


Back in the day when the lord returned to the big house after being away a few months, all the peasants would gather to welcome them backā€¦ Theyā€™d light a few bonfires and break out the fiddles and leap around yahooing for the boss man, hoping for a pat on the headā€¦

This thread reminds me of that.

JP McManus and limerick folk?



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Sounds a lot like the EPL supporters on here.

She not well, lads. Absolute Ben Swain of an interview on bbc now.

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Itā€™s a tough watch. Chris Mason is a nice fella and he has her in a heap.

Prozacā€™d up to her eyeballs

Lockdown sceptic and FOTF Sir Charles Walker says she has to go. Sir Desmond Swayne hasnā€™t commented yet.,

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Like the Limerick lads doffing the caps at adare manor.

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@Juhniallio has already said that. Heā€™ll get the ten.,