Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding

Sheā€™s going nowhere. Tories realize they may as well knock two more years out of it.

For laughing at the state of them?
Terribly sorry, old bean. Would you rather I doff the cap?

The divil in me wouldnt mindā€¦


1.4 on the machine to be gone before the end of 2022

Truss is on the run.


Penny knew exactly what she was doing there


And a bit later Truss turns up, looks like she was in a trance, didnā€™t say anything and then left again after the chancellor gave his speech.

She might be unfer The Govers desk

Truss was at a private meeting with Sir Graham Bradly, the Chaiman of the 1922 committee. Goodnight Irene

Trussā€™ idea of a private meeting may have staid his hand.
I suspect she swallowed whatā€™s left of her pride amongst other things.

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Will she gone by the weekend flatty? Or will she even make it to.pms questions on Wednesday

No idea mate. I do laugh at folk saying ā€œthereā€™ll have to be a general electionā€. The only way there will be a GE is if the Tories want to sneak out over the back fence and leave labour to try an pick up the few smithereens they havenā€™t destroyed. If labour have any sense, they will commission immediately an independent panel to assess openly the economic effect of brexit, and then either rejoin the FTA, or go back to a referendum (Iā€™d do both). The natural slant of the UK is centrist, swaying gently left or right over time. The MSM and a few ultras highjacked the country and I suspect they realise the jig is up. It is the Tories though, they are for the most part thick as pigshit, so you wouldnā€™t know what theyā€™ll do.
I think trussy not being at PMQ today spoke volumes however. Iā€™d say sheā€™s gone regardless. What comes next, who t f knows :person_shrugging:. Theyve purged every intelligent moderate. The ā€œone nation Toriesā€ are a bunch of despicable fuckwits who are stupid and arrogant in equal measure, and still think theyā€™re just one leader away from re-election.


Tbf, would the EU have the UK back?

A lot of brits are still in denial about Brexit. They are still blaming their current woes on the "global crises " Truth be told what is currently happening over there is happening about three years after it should have. Only now its worse again as Covid in particular has drained them dry. It will take until the Ukraine thing is settled before they finally realise that they are truly fucked. If Scotland get their way and vote for independence, it will only isolate them even more


Depends on the Brits approach to it.

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Thatā€™s the Member for Altrincham and Sale West to you.

The Member for Altrincham and Sale West has preseided over his party going from an 80 seat majority to losing by over 30 points in the polls. Questions will be asked

John Kilraine


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Point of order, today was an urgent question not PMQs. She is obliged to be there on Wednesday though assuming she is still in office