Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding

A (divided) nation holds its breath!!

She’s toasht.

A visit from Sir Graham is never good news

Call the month of the next election.

October 2024.

Sir Tap on the Shoulder


She is surely a goner.
The succession is more interesting at this point.

When do they acknowledge that Brexit was a bad idea?

She’d a great run

Oh for fucks sake, get on with it, I want to go to bed.

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The Brady lad from Cavan would want to go as well. He is responsible for the fuck-ip of a leadership election.

Here we go!

Where does she rank amongst the greats?

Oh shes done alright.

Leadership contest over the next week

There she goes.

Election within a week.

Leadership election within a week

44 days. The same length of tenure as Brian Clough at Leeds.

Liz Truss makes great play of being from Leeds and I expect she and Boris Johnson will have a heated discussion on a Yorkshire evening news programme this evening.

“I wanted to ruin Britain but I wanted to ruin it better. You can understand that can’t you?”


“Good lad.”


She had to go…

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Im in bits here

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Best bangers I’d say