Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding

He’d have ten opus dei lads behind to help though

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I believe you’re done with misogyny yourself but were a prolific misogynist from the age of 15?


Willie Wragg and Chris Skidmarks.

Misogyny horrified me as much then as it does now, if that means anything

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Never mind Liz Truss its the tory party themselves who are finished. Its over for them now.
I hear the Lib Dems are looking for recruits @balbec

That could indeed mean anything

A figure of ridicule.

I thought Madeline McCanns mother was after wading in there :see_no_evil:

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well truss has gone missing…

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Sir Graham is meeting her at the moment

Sinn fein should probably take their seats now. Michelle would have a decent shot at becoming prime minister

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Will be gone by the end of the day

Bring back Boris.

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You’d have to say that the fracking vote by SKS was a masterful ball hop. He may live to regret it if he ends up prime minister the way things look for the UK just now though. Hard rains gonna fall. It’s goitto have to. The penny will never drop for half them that they can’t have their triple lock, their social care bill, their NHS, their nuclear weapons etc etc as they have reached the limits of their credit card.

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Hard to articulate just how crazy this situation is.

We have our own problems but you’d appreciate the value of having a coalition partner to pull the plug on an incompetent and unwanted government.


The magic money tree does not exist.

Statement from Downing Street at 1:30pm.

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In a country which has gone from having an economy 90% the size of Germany’s to 70% the size of Germany’s because of Brexit it definitely doesn’t anyway.

She’s resigning. Obviously that’s a statement of the obvious but that’s what is happening.