Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding

Fuck me , they’ll get more films out of this than star wars or the avengers


The whole of RTE must have Anna Soubry on speed dial at this stage. She’s on Liveline now. She’s being steadily brought into the RTE fold like Didi Hamann was. She’ll end up presenting Nationwide.

Was 14/1 yesterday, 10/1 an hour ago, 9/2 now…

Boris will walk it

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Poor auld Zelensky will be shitting himself that Boris is going to start visiting again to hide from the latest crisis.

Patrick hits the nail on the head again.

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One saving grace of a truncated leadership election would be to avoid an encore of this.

Not a single bit. She’s the author of it.


Well the times has well and truly slunk away from that stink. The torygraph are even beginning to suggest it. The question is how closely SKS’s “co-operation with our European partners” resembles membership of the customs union. After that, full rejoining is only a matter of time (I’d say 20 years or thereabouts)

Poor ol Arlene was DUPed


He has united the cuntry anyway.


You’d find more intelligence in the head of the pint than in the head of the PM.


I’m sure the 115k annual allowance for the rest of her life will ease Truss’s bruised ego tonight.

Boris will walk it

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Going to be some craic when he waltzes back in, it will drive the usual suspects demented