Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding

Handy as fuck :rofl:

Her speeches on leadership on the lucrative corporate dinner circuit will be box office.

Itā€™ll drive me demented

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Spoiler: they wonā€™t.

Heā€™d have to eat his own mess though


Looks like the nominations threshold will be 100 MPs.

Sunak will walk that. Mordaunt will probably get there too.

I donā€™t think anybody else will.

Canā€™t see it. Even his own cabinet of yes men turned against him eventually

I donā€™t think heā€™ll get 100 MPs to nominate him.

Iā€™d fancy a nibble on Penny Mordaunt (at 9/4). The question is can Rishi Sunak offer her enough influence in cabinet to not contest a leadership election.

Mordaunt would beat Sunak in a membership vote.

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If Boris does reach the hundred, it goes to the membership (assuming someone else gets to 100 mark as well) and apparently Boris has the backing of 60%of the membership.

They will be annihilated at the next election.

Surely its all a bit soon for Boris. All the enquirys etc arenā€™t done yet. Truss was supposed to last more than a month odd in the orginal come back plan


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The only way he loses by running is by actually winning it. It will be great for him to run but get outflanked by the majority of MPs who hate him.

He can then sit on the sidelines whilst the next leader burns at the GE as the BoJo superfans sulk and the red wall falls. Starmer in for a couple of years of disastrous leadership with the countryā€™s finances in a mess and then he can choose to come back if he wants it.

The cracks in Brexiteers have only become evident in the last few months, Covid, the NI Protocol and Borisā€™s bullshit hid that. Fundamentally Brexiteers canā€™t even agree between free market liberalism and no to immigrants/British nationalist ideology. All the while you have sub cracks within that. Boris and his whiff of bullshit keeps that going.

Ideal scenario for them all is for him to be denied again so they can all engage in self preservation into the future.

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Theyā€™ll lose but not as badly Iā€™d say.

Heā€™d eat nothing he didnā€™t want to. He doesnā€™t give a fuck.

Fuck it liz hasnt gotten out of rigamortous yet either. Final days of the British empire. Beautiful

Up da ra

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Rees Mogg and Nadine would ate it for him

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The red wallers might think he is their only chance.

Nadine would swallow a bucket of his jizz

and ask for seconds