Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding

Not a word about the Gover, he’s some operation


The most devious of them all but the way things are going he’ll only have ashes to rule when he moves.

Keep an eye out for PJs heading to the Dominican Republic on Flight Radar to bring Boris home.

According to the news, he ruled himself out

He’s coming home, he’s coming, Bojo’s coming home


The good news for Carrie Antoinette is that Liz Truss won’t have had time to redecorate the place.

Im going full Double K on this. I would love it if Boris got in. The country is in shit. Mortgage repayments are up. No amount of bluster and dancing on the head of a pin will do it. Him coming back would only concentrate eyes on how much he fucked it. Let it be so.


The Tories went full double K over the last few weeks and it didn’t work. If they want to win the next election they’ve got to go to Middlesbrough and get something.

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Up to 50. That half the threshold in a handful of hours

Role play of Johnson’s return:

Interestingly or not, the odds on Johnson have lengthened this morning. The headbangers were always going to charge straight in. Maybe there will be some sense. Maybe the betting markets are just asleep. He’s available at 10/1 now.

I think Carrie should run. After all she was running the country.

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Someone last night was saying that the media were the ones ramping up the Bojo story. As if it wasn’t all daft enough already.

Boris was 10/1 at one stage two days ago. 9/4 now

Back in again :flushed:
He could be had at 10/1 two hours ago.
Out slightly at 37/13 now, but firm second favourite.

It has to be Boris

Make Britain Great Again.


Boris’s aul lad on pat kenny there saying boris needs to grovel to the EU if he gets in