Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding


An elderly couple on the BBC news there sitting forlornly at a bus stop in Rushcliffe where Ken Clarke reigned supreme for 49 years.

A gom of a reported asked them who they’d like to be PM…

Both of them looked like they needed a trailer of turf and a hot dinner but Granny mused “It’s gotta be Boris hasn’t it. He did a great job with Brexit”

These folks must have gotten some form of hallucinatory drug instead of the flu jab…


I’ve drank in most of those pubs.



Enoch Burke has been in Mountjoy longer than Truss was in Downing St.



The lettuce jokes are already getting old. There’s only so many times you can laugh at Lollo Trusso steering her car cress of a premiership into a massive iceberg. Let’s have no more of them before she leaves.

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Bloody Romainers


Starmer disasterous leadership, country’s finances in a mess? So the tories with their record will then be the alternative? Give it a rest.

We have a similar situation here. A decade of incompetent, corrupt, frankly mental right wing government and bizarre economic policies having to be dealt with by an incoming Labor party. And they’re doing a very good job.

The days of lazy assumptions such as Tories good economic managers and left wing bad are over. All changed, utterly.

She hit the iceberg

Give what a rest? I’m just laying out what is a dream scenario for Johnson.

Boris already with 49 backers to Rishi’s 37 and Pennys 16

I think its personal between Boris and Rishi, could get proper nasty yet

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Boris will walk it. Bookmark that.

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I already did, cc @flattythehurdler

They can’t lay a glove on Boris

Nah mate. If he comes back it will all be fucked. He has so many skeletons. The clean break and the bullshit feel that he was taken down or could have some original quality or merit is the best he can hope for. It will keep him insanely well paid. He just has to avoid the wish to be world king again…
I honestly think his world will fall apart if he gets in again

This is a weird story

This will get a few more on board

Boris and Penny be a great double act
Taking back control