Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding

Boris can get it done

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Boris or Bust

I think you’re wrong about that old mate, he was 10/1 a few days ago but I’ve been watching the markets a lot and he was about 5/2 overnight and this morning. Into 5/4 now there is serious momentum behind him. This is quite incredible, he’ll get it alright but what happens then? Some kind of revolt and mass resignations perhaps.

Boris or bust

Have both!


If Johnson does return you’d have to think it would heighten the chance of a general election before Christmas.

That’s if you think enough Tory MPs are serious about resigning the whip, and I don’t think they are.

But the markets could force one.

The red wallers are earning more now than they did before becoming MPs . They’ll back Bojo as their only chance to hang on for two more years

Boris 11/10

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It’s her job?

Carrie would hand it back to you soft.

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did you watch the video fully?

The Tory’s have currently 357 MPs. There might be a 3 way race for the leadership but if you tell me that when the race is reduced to two that 179 will vote for Johnson then I don’t believe you.

All he needs is 100 and then it’s down to the membership.

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Mathematically he needs 120 I think in order to get to the final two. They’ve 357 MPs at the moment.

Boris OUT to 11/8

Is it not whoever gets 100 gets on the ballot and if only 1 gets 100 they automatically win.

Yeah but it’s easy to see how things could go even more tits up under a second Johnson tenure than they were in the latter stages of his first and during Truss’s short lived tenure.

If Sunak took over at least you’d have some vaguely plausible pretence at trying to be competent. If Johnson takes over again he could put the Tories out of office for a generation.


100 gets you nominated anyway. But you could technically have three candidates nominated.

I’m not sure exactly what happens if three candidates get the 100, ie. how they get from three to two candidates.

I think all three go to the 3000 piss smelling golf clubbers for the ballot by telegram