Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding

I’m in the Uk since 2011. Married to a tan and had a child. They’ve fucked the country. I’ve not had any sort of a rise in ten years but during Covid people clapped. That didn’t equate to pounds. If they bring that prick back there will be riots. The people need sanity. Let’s fight


Right, I have you now but this is on the proviso that 2 candidates exceed the 100 nominee quota. Carry on.
In other matters - shouldn’t you be in bed :wink: Haven’t you an earlier than normal start tomorrow - as in 12.30. By 2.30 you’ll be canvassing for Steven Gerrard or Big Sam to put their fingers in the dyke….


Grant Shapps will be running the spreasheet for Rishi.

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That’s what I can’t figure, why rishi is still odds on. It doesn’t make any sense

I read that if a candidate doesn’t reach 100 by 2pm on Monday they are out. Boris will be throwing around house of lords seats like confetti. The tan politicians are very cheaply bought.

I actually think that riots should follow if Boris gets back in. Or everyone in the entire country should go in strike.

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Britain is too divided to riot

You only need a quorum cc @Declan_Moffat

You won’t get it. The only ones who’ll go are the extremists, therefore making any political stance inpossible and justifying the brutality that will come from the rozzers

When you say, i actually think riots should follow, you mean i actually think other people should riot for example. Because you’re comfortable

Oh I know, most folk are too apathetic, but there should be. It’s the blatant derision being shown by the arse end of the Tory party to the general population. It should be intolerable.

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To what end a riot though? A coup? All rioting will end up doing is harming peoples livelihoods even more.

To what end any protest then?
You could argue in this vein that the millions who marched against the Iraq war were pointless. In this case, actually, it may inspire a sufficient number of centrist Tories to bring down the government (this isn’t a wholly unlikely scenario either I don’t think)

A protest is different than a riot

You’d imagine Cummings has even more dirt on Boris that he can drip feed to the press.

Its a grey area.

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I don’t think he does, or he’d have fired those bullets already. In any case, the express and the wail wont listen. The torygraph hasn’t quite made up it’s mind, but probably won’t. The Times appears to have changed tack completely. The tabloids other than the express and the mail seem fairly anti Johnson, (I’m not sure about the sun)

Another thing to bet on for the lads. Jaysus they’d bet on anything them fellas

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Brutality? They’re bringing cups of tea to the Eco loons FFS.

Laced with strychnine