Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding

Rising star Kemi Badenoch goes for Sunak

Sunak 1/4
Boris 3/1
Mordaunt 14/1

The bookies have spoken. It’s done.

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Boris’ supporters claim he has the 100 which more than likely means he is nowhere close.


My cousin from England is over visiting, her husband reckons Boris is not a good option but he’s the most sensible option.

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Theres a sizeable few not declaring until they see if the Sunday Papers have anything new they can dish up on Boris. If he comes through unscathed he will smash the 100 mark

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Stupid cunts wouldn’t get their heads around a PR system. Counting would go on for months.


Not a hope. The markets went nuts when he was menioned. It will be made clear to mps that if he is back then the rates will go up again. Theyll fuck the british people even more. Thats a nono for any of them with a conscience. Or any of them who care about re election. Boris is toast

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Talk of a triumvirate featuring the 3 contenders,(per source). Shrewd Boris playing the long game.

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You really need to get your nose out of the express mate.

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The fix is in

I said yesterday that this was over and that Sunak will be PM by Monday. He will be the only candidate to reach the 100-plus mark.

Id liove to know the conversation that was had between himself and Boris

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Do all MPs have to vote or can they abstain?

They can abstain, but this’ll be like a papal conclave. Once a clear favourite emerges, they’ll all rush to vote for him so they can tell him he has their support. Suank will win in a landslide.


MI6 will be rallying like the Priests for COTY


I wonder what on earth sunak thought he could possibly achieve dealing with the likes of Boris? I hope he used a long spoon.

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Uh oh

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I wouldn’t trust the our father out of Boris anyway.

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That could mean anything. If Boris tells the truth it’s entirely a coincidence

Leaving aside Boris’s deviance, there’s no common ground between them anyway. You may as well move the money printing into downing street if Boris gets in