Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding

Boris is a gas cunt. Heā€™ll tank the uk again.

Again? Theyā€™re already tanked.

As i said to herself while breezing through the passport line in a Spanish airport looking at the poor fuckers in the none EU line. ā€œIts like watching the fall of the british empire, the dying stingā€ great to see them tear themselves apart




Oh Id say it could have Fagan.

Its a sad state of affairs when I find myself nodding on furious agreement with Steve Baker

Fuck that cunt. I hope he dies roaring


To think the tans left this
Uploading: DSC_2913.JPGā€¦

Agree but him coming out against Johnson probably means the ERG wonā€™t support him. Well some of them anyway. Iā€™d still be surprised if he gets 100. Maybe Iā€™m being naive

Theo Usherwood is normally very reliable in his sources

Since midday yesterday its Rishi gained 16,Boris gained 3, Penny gained 2.
Unless there is a big right wing vote all waiting to delcare together Boris is toast.

The Gover biding his time

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Who is out there that could bring a few votes in for Johnson? Seems toast but theyā€™ve come out all guns blazing with polling and the ethnics committee this morning.

They are right in that Rishi doesnā€™t solve those issues.

That is a wonderful mistype.


Boris certainly solves nothing :slightly_smiling_face:

Current state of play Rishi 149 Boris 75 Penny 28
Boris is so poor he couldnā€™t afford to pay his decorators
Tax hiker multi millionaire Rishi will need to make sure his wife is up to speed with HM Revenue

Heā€™s playing this beautifully

Agreed, they are fucked either way.

Braverman, Badenoch, Baker and Frost, aka the headbanger coningent, have all delared for Rishi.
All down to The Gover now

Would be great to see a load of those ERG cunts lose their seat in the next election. Like the wipeout in 1997 when Majorā€™s sleazeballs fell