Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding

Boris is playing the long game. Smart

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He had 102 backers in the same way Alan Partridge had 104 friends.


Be the first time heā€™s ever played the long game.

Rishi has no mandate. Heā€™ll be gone by Christmas

Jaysus none of ye have a fucking clue, Boris this and Boris that. Boris will do nattin.

This is a slap in the face to the Conservative membership

The likes of Brendan Clarke Smith , Dudderidge and Gullis look ridiculous after their fawning over him the past few days. But they are Tories so have no shame.

Not a hope he had 102.


The party faithful wonā€™t have tbat snake Sunak

Boris is biding his time

MI6 ā€¦.

He canā€™t even count his children
Nobody believes a word he says. Heā€™s a laughing stock.

The first time heā€™s ever pulled out of anything


Apart from marriages

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MI6 ā€¦. He was warned

Not the only ones

ā€˜Momentum behind Borisā€™ claims Dame Arlene Foster, who questions whether Rishi Sunak ā€˜has fight in himā€™ over protocol -

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Snarlene hasnā€™t a clue about British politics.


Mordaunt has to pick up 70 odd nominations by tomorrow afternoon or sheā€™s toast. It seems very unlikely. A few Johnson supporters have already rowed in behind Sunak, despite his camp are meant to hate him. Michael Fabricant has just come out in favour of Penny though. It would be a fair shock if she reached the required total by tomorrow afternoon but stranger things have happened.
