Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding

What a cunt


Thats amazing. I looked at the timings and thought it must be some sort of stunt i didnt understand. But its literally am and pm. Fucking hell.

The UK treated Boris better than united treated CR7

A comeback for David Tennant but not for Boris

Vince knew :rofl:


Dorries, Chope , Zac Goldsmith now all calling for a general election having backed Johnson. Couldn’t make it up.

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Unreal foresight from Mr. McMahon

I don’t believe Mr Sunak is of Pakistani extraction.

Next Piles and the lads will be saying it doesn’t matter, they all look the same.


Maybe not but all his other predictions have come to pass


I think we can all agree that Great Britain is a cesspool of decadence, decay and debauchery

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That sounds like a place I want to go to.


Quite the opposite in fact.

Gavan Reilly on TFK then.

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These headbangers can’t agree on someone. “We are the Pretorian guard of the party.”

Who is that cunt with the glasses?


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Mark Francois

I hope when he takes office that Sunak goes full Albert and knifes the likes of Patel, Zahawi, Dorries, Baker, Rees-Mogg and all them treacherous flutes and banishes them to the back benches forever.


The mogster might as well clear his desk now, he’s finished