Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding

Blame the anti growth remainers.

You are over thinking this


And now I see ye have an outbreak of bird flu over there flatty. Christ ye can’t even get the turkeys to vote for Christmas. Ye’ll end up having a vote to leave Christmas next.

Too much time on my hands this weekend.

Thats the way its gone now

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Fucking cunt.

Incredible. Did you see the quote from his constituency council: I look forward to seeing him eat a Kangaroos penis, and you can quote me on that.

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Zero self awareness.

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He’d eat himself if he could.

Matt Kangcock


jeremy hunt?

He’s following in Dorries footsteps

A crocodile would spit the cunt out.


Says it all really

Is he not a sitting mp?

He is.

And how does he square not turning up for work?

Same as he squares lying, cheating and fraud.

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He’ll probably get the home secretary gig when he gets back