Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Unreal plate of Lincolnshire pork sausages on a bed of mashed potatoes with peas and gravy for £6.70. You couldn’t get that in Oireland and served on a lovely plate not dissimilar to what @Tassotti eats his organic baked salmon on each evening.


unreal, you’ll be right set up for the day after that

Savage. Will you have a pint of milk with that?

I had a glass of lemonade. The pint of milk would have gave away that I’m a Mick sitting here. There’s some amount of English men over about 38-40 that are bald as eggs. I’m one of the few in here with a thick, luscious mane of hair. I’m continuing onwards now for a meeting although I am fierce drowsy after that.


Some brown sauce on the side as a dip

Carpets in pubs. So English. So wrong


The pattern on the carpet seems to similar to that on the plate.

is there Mash on that plate ffs? I’ve seen more in a baby bowl

there’s more than enough food on that plate

Great stuff from Boris here, he is so sharp and witty

“rise up and turn off the TV” :joy:

Nail on the head article by the excellent Brian Reade, who, unlike Paul Nuttall of the Youkips, actually was at Hillsborough on April 15th, 1989.

Couple of huge by elections this week for Labour, Copeland and Stoke.

Diane Abbot is worried anyway, if the Tories take Copeland it will be the first time since 1982 that a ruling party gains at a by election.

Lovely alliteration on that menu with a nod also to the Roman Catholic/Irish Clientele who are a stalwart of a pub like that in an increasingly Muslim populated city.

hon the tories

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Huge win for us.

Not a huge fan of Labour’s candidate in Stoke but it’s great to see Lying Paul Nuttall lose.

If the Youkips can’t win Stoke, they won’t win anywhere.

Longer term it’s a bad result for the Tories.

Because Labour might wake up and get rid of Jel? The winning candidate looks like a very nice lady.

Only number 72 on their target list of seats. Nuttall could be lying about that of course.

If they had lost the two seats maybe Corbyn would have fallen on his own sword, but his supporters and him have continued in their delusion for a while now and nothing suggests they are going to give up this once in a lifetime power they have.

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